two signal one is original signal i.e. pulses and other is receiving signal with a noise. finding the delay in signal by using the cross correlation.
@Mahesh, The error above occurs if you pass a non-integer scalar value for receiver_signal, because a scalar is interpreted as...

6 months ago | 0

How to find fitting optimized parameters to fit a system of non-linear ODEs to experiment.
@Buhari Ibrahim Matlab has excellent tools for this.

6 months ago | 2

How to delete or exclude an entire matrix if it contains all zeros
@Caitlin, you'll have to be more specific about how you are reading in the data in order to get a useful answer. X=zeros(10,10)...

6 months ago | 0

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Huge inaccuracies in plotting diode IV characteristic in Matlab
@Nicholas, It is clear that your model does not fit your data. So there has been an error in the data collection, or the mdoe...

6 months ago | 1

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Adjusting Parameters in Transcranial Doppler Audio Processing: Seeking Guidance on Gain, SWEEP, and Audio Playback
@Patrícia, For colors, you can specify a colormap that gives colors more like what you want. See here, and scroll down to see ...

6 months ago | 0

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Inconsistency between Matlab eig() function and Matlab generated C code eig() function
@Hugoz, I am not sure how you generated the C code, but I suspect the C code is wrong. Matlab's eig() is extremely well tested...

6 months ago | 0

Fitting an ellipse based 3D PointCloud on 3D space
@Tingting, The data file you provided is a triangulation object. To fit an ellipse to the data, extract the vertices. load('3...

6 months ago | 0

Inconsistent solutions for numerical integration of non-linear differential equations?
@Marco, [Edit: Change "higher level solvers are able to achieve..." to "higher order solvers may achieve...", because the highe...

6 months ago | 0

How to use MATLAB to simulate and obtain farmland plots?
@marvellous, Yes you can. You'll need to specify something about the shape, for example, the number of vertices. I'm sure ...

6 months ago | 1

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Amplitude decrease after FIRRateConverter
@Yuhan Chiang, [edit: fix spelling errors] Please post the data file and code you used to make the initial figure. You said y...

6 months ago | 0

Creating cartesian volumetric dataset from polar coordinates
@Eun, This is quite do-able. I know there are people on this site who are very much able to assist you. I have experience usi...

7 months ago | 0

Solve a system of coupled differential equations with ODE23s
@Thomas Stone-Wigg, Does your code run? Do you want help making it run at all, or help making it run better? If better, bette...

7 months ago | 0

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How to locate the bifurcation point of the flow
@Charles Taylor Taylor, You provided a quiver plot. Since you have a quiover plot, you obviously have the arrays X,Y,U,V. You...

7 months ago | 0

heatmap help - how to display grouped data across 3 levels (LO, MED, HI) ?
@Douglas Leaffer, Make a single variable Vstat with three categories: LOW, MED, HIGH, rather than three separate variables. ...

7 months ago | 0

Difference between theoretical power spectral density and pwelch/periodogram ARMA models
@Simona Turco, When estimating the transfer function with pwelch(), remember to compute the denominator. Estimate the PSD of...

7 months ago | 1

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autocorrelation of a signal after transforming the x-axis
@Sayanta Goswami, There is not an option with xcorr() to apply a different time scale. The discrete cross- and auto-correlatio...

7 months ago | 0

data fitting with multiple independent variables
@Daniele Sonaglioni, [edit: correct spelling error] Your model includes two global parameters (p1, p2) and three parameters th...

7 months ago | 0

getting a clear signal with eog
@Ali Eren Çinar, That is a really nice answer and follow-up from @Star Strider. For example, the lines hor = sum([-(EOGf{:,1}...

7 months ago | 0

Lognormal Fitting with the Pore Size and its Probabilities
@Alex Lee, Take the logarithm of the pore sizes, then compute mu and sigma using the log(pore size) vector. The mu, sigma comp...

7 months ago | 1

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How to modify the 2nd code like the 1st one?
@Sadiq Akbar, [edit: I submitted the answer prematurely.] Code 2 runs without error. Why do you think code 2 needs fixing? %...

7 months ago | 0

How can I combine two transfer function?
@Raveesha Bandara, The diagram indicates that the upper loop (or loops*) affects the lower loop, but the opposite is not true....

7 months ago | 2

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Plot spectrum and time domain of ADC data.
@Abdel, You normalize the amplitude spectrum by assuming the peak signal amplitude is 0 db. So of course your peak plotted sig...

7 months ago | 0

Matlab code of mobius transform
@Narges, @SAAAA, [edit: added SAAAA to the reply] consider the points on a circle to be points on the complex plane, z=x+iy. A...

7 months ago | 2

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Export 3D radiation pattern in CST to Matlab
@Wilfrid RENKANGA MBATCHI, [edit: Fix spelling errors. Add readmatrix() to my answer. Add discussion of some pros and cons of...

7 months ago | 0

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how to get the value of accuracy for each type of distortion and the accuracy value for all?
@RACHEL LYN JAHIRIN, [edit: remove redundant text from my answer] I understand you are using a support vector machine (SVM) to...

7 months ago | 0

% Demodulation demodulated_signal = modulated_signal .* c; % Low-pass filter (to remove high-frequency components) cutoff_freq = 2 * fm; % Cut-off frequency [b, a] = butter(6
@eman, Suppose the original signal is a 17 Hz sine wave plus a 23 Hz cosine wave, 0.2 seconds long, plus an offset so it is al...

7 months ago | 0

I need to predict isobaric and Isotropic heat capacity vs. temperature and density from equation 49 and 50 in the attached paper. I don't know how to write these equations.
@Hanadi, [edit: fix typos, and add a question about units, at the end, and change units for Cv in the comments of my code below...

7 months ago | 0

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findpeaks () doesn't find all peaks in function
@Michel, I see that the mat file contains the vector VP01f8, size 28600x1. I assume this is the signal of interest. I will refe...

7 months ago | 2

Moving Standard Deviation issues with NaN values (i.e., Stdfilt). Alternatives and workarounds?
@Simone A., [Edit: I attached the script twice. I am removing the earlier version.] See attached script. Key steps, which occu...

7 months ago | 0

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How to calculate the SNR of SSVEP signal after Fourier transform?
@潇轩 王, YOu say "why can't I get the same result?" Please explain more clearly what thing is not the same as what other thing. ...

7 months ago | 1

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