Matlab ODE 4.5 Runge Kutta problem solver. Can't get it to work for one problem set.
Hi @DJ V You forgot to supply the values for l and n. theta = 0; phi = 0; psi = 0; Ctheta=cos(theta); Cphi = cos(phi); Cp...

6 months ago | 0

Very large output numbers
Hi @Marcos Proper transfer function should have the degree of the numerator less than or equals to the degree of the denominato...

6 months ago | 0

Matlab code does not run past a certain point: i.e. buffers at a certain line of code
Hi @Jhryssa If your professor is not a disciplinarian, then there is nothing wrong with using the standard gravitational parame...

6 months ago | 0

Create a generic x for (x,y) plot
Hi @Flip Reutelingsperger Perhaps, you can plot like in this example: % Time vector timeStr = ["10:23:55", "10:24:00", "10:24...

6 months ago | 0

Why the Kf_LMax value is increased beyond its limits. Is their is any logical error Kindly help me out .
Hi @Ehtisham If the gains and stay constant or vary very slowly during each phase, then you can consider applying the followi...

6 months ago | 0

Periodic result using ode45 while simulating a parachute decent with 6DOF dynamics
Hi @mekg_10 At first, I thought you were trying to duplicate the results of the paper by attaching a parachute to the Mars EDL....

6 months ago | 0

Why the Kf_LMax value is increased beyond its limits. Is their is any logical error Kindly help me out .
Hi @Ehtisham The previous answer attempts to provide a logical explanation for why the 'Kf_L'​ variable exceeds the desired upp...

6 months ago | 0

Why the Kf_LMax value is increased beyond its limits. Is their is any logical error Kindly help me out .
Hi @Ehtisham I am unfamiliar with your equation, but it appears that you did not "mathematically" impose the desired upper limi...

6 months ago | 0

The problem is to calculate unknowns and plot graph for Nu vs time.
Hi @MADHVI Your original code runs without error in MATLAB online. However, I have included annotations in the comments to expl...

6 months ago | 0

PI controller tuning in hall sensor FOC example
Hi @Rohan In the Thesis, you can probably explain like that "When the 'Tune' button is clicked, the Simulink PID Tuner does...

6 months ago | 1

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simulink is giving unexpected simulation answer
Nope, not stable. The reason you got the high oscillations exponential decay response is because there are not enough samples fo...

6 months ago | 1

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matlab data how to read the fuzzy data in matlab ?
I believe that you will have to manually enter the numeric data from the Table. I don't know, but two parameters might be relate...

6 months ago | 0

I wan to find the branch currents using mathematical expression
Hi @Zeeshan The system appears to be linear; however, it is a 9th-order system (see Abel's Impossibility Theorem). Therefore, y...

6 months ago | 0

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The same plotting problem, it is appear that one of the marker does not show on the graph but it should have been properly plot and the legend has shown properly too
Hi @Elisa The idea is to reposition the legend box to a region that it doesn't block the green dot. max_l = 1.00; max_a =...

6 months ago | 0

How can model a nonlinear PID pressure and volume controller for medical ventilator application.
Hi @Amlakie Setargew You can refer to the modeling of a positive-pressure medical ventilator system using Simscape here: https...

6 months ago | 0

Can I use Fuzzy Logic Designer in the online version of matlab?
Sure can, if you have the toolbox, you can design, test, and tune a fuzzy system using the Fuzzy Logic Designer app.

6 months ago | 0

Simulate closed loop system with saturated controller output in Matlab
Hi @Cedric Kotitschke It is entirely possible to simulate a closed-loop system in MATLAB using the ode45 solver. Since ode45 so...

6 months ago | 0

linearized-pendulum-error plot
Hi @Manuel Hess It's late, but here is how you can make the comparison. % Parameters g = 9.80665; % standa...

6 months ago | 0

How to resolve "Out of memory" error?? please look into the following code
Hi @Manish Kumar From the simulation below, you can observe when the solutions begin to blow up. Do you really intend to log th...

6 months ago | 0

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Both function plots start at 1, even though I have time step as t=0:6
a_2 = -16; a_3 = 1/3; t = 0:6; v = a_2 + (3*a_3*(t.^2)); a = 6*a_3*t; plot(t, v) % <-- plot(xvalues, yvalues) hold on...

6 months ago | 0

how to plot two nonlinear functions
Hi @Muhammad Asad The bivariate equations descibe the surfaces. Are you expecting plots like the following? Edit: Correcting t...

6 months ago | 1

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How to solve optimization problems with constraints of differential equations constraints ?
Hi @xin This optimization problem in this example has the following: a linear equality constraint, three linear inequality c...

6 months ago | 1

Mistake in Linear z-shaped membership funciton
Hi @Mateusz You can navigate to "Contact Support" and, under "Product Usage," submit a suggestion to correct the information. T...

6 months ago | 0

How can i plot PI controller step respone
Hi @Lina The 4th-order plant under consideration appears to be unstable and cannot be effectively stabilized using a low-order,...

7 months ago | 0

How can I plot the probability density function of this generated cumulative distribution function curve?
Hi @ABHISHEK GHOSH Add these lines at the end of the script to visualize the estimated PDF using the gradient() method. cdf = ...

7 months ago | 1

Ramp a variable with 63 elements
Hi @David Cole If you do not need a smooth differentiable Ramp function, then use this math function: where is the saturat...

7 months ago | 0

Problem with MPC Control
The error message states that the "Simulink Control Design" toolbox is required. Type the following in the Command Window to ch...

7 months ago | 0

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Solution of a 2nd order non linear implicit differential equation using ode15i implicit solver
Hi @Parthajit Please check if the following is what you expected from the simulation. tspan = [0 20]; y0 = [0; 2]; [t...

7 months ago | 0

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Attempting to fit data with a sigmoid curve, but not an option in curvefitter toolbox
Hi @Levi Matsushima The latest Curve Fitting Toolbox has only three Sigmoidal Curves in its library of models. rng(0,"twister...

7 months ago | 0

Permanent zero on Fuzzy block output P&O mppt algorithm
Hi @Mohamed ARRACH From Scope 1, you can observe that the "error" value is -25; however, this value lies outside the range of t...

7 months ago | 0

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