matlab for mac 2014a for mac支持中文了吗?
支持,只要更改你的系统Locale,请参考这个链接 <> 关于2014...

10 years ago | 0

Solve state space equation by ODE45
Hi Babak In order to solve an ODE using |ode45|, you need to first define the function to describe the complete dynamics. In ...

10 years ago | 4

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How does MATLAB know what toolboxes are installed?
Type |ver| < (See Documentation)> in the command window and see if you have the...

10 years ago | 1

Syntax error in a Simulink Fcn block
Since |FiringOrder| is an array in your workspace, it would not be recognized as a function in MATLAB. To achieve your object...

10 years ago | 0

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brute force procedure for a function
If you would like to fix one parameter, e.g., |b| and optimize the function by finding appropriate |a| and |c| in their given ra...

10 years ago | 0

Why won't my matrix invert??? I get FAIL every time. QUICK HELP NEEDED
The reason that the matrix is not invertible is because that it is a singular matrix. In fact, the matrix has a rank of 14, mean...

10 years ago | 2

How to Convert vector elements to zero for certain N length when its values gets negative?
while ~isempty(find(F<0)) id1 = find(F<0,1); id2 = min(id1 + 7, length(F)); F(id1:id2) = 0; end

10 years ago | 0

Finding the stability boundary "or attraction region" of a nonlinear differential equation
Hi Abdallah It is more practical to find an estimate of the region of attraction (ROA), instead of the exact region of attrac...

10 years ago | 0

how to create constraints in fmincon
This should be an optimization problem with nonlinear constraints, and the problem should be able to be solved using |fmincon| <...

10 years ago | 3

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about trapz and quad integral
Let us first take a look at the differences between |quad| < (See Documentatio...

10 years ago | 2

Stable response for an unstable system
I have computed the poles of the closed-loop system by executing the following command in the MATLAB command line. >> [z,p,...

10 years ago | 4

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simplifying symbolic expressions using assumptions
I don’t think there is a way to directly approximate a symbolic expression in MATLAB with another symbolic term. However, her...

10 years ago | 2

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How to find a 2 π periodic solution?
* The first approach is to use the Symbolic Math Toolbox <

10 years ago | 3

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