Bilinear interpolation faster than interp2?
Try this, about 5 time faster for your example clc close all n = 7; nq = 30; curv = 2.5; %qinterp2 works properly only if c...

9 months ago | 1

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adding all fields of a structures
s.bin_1=array2table(rand(2,3)); s.bin_2=array2table(rand(3,3)); s.bin_3=array2table(rand(4,3)); c=struct2cell(s); newstruc...

9 months ago | 0

How to calculate the computational complexity of filtfilt low-pass filter?
filtfilt just do twice (forward + backward) the filter. In your case it is IIR, where the complexity is O((length(a)+length(b))...

9 months ago | 0

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How do I include or make a discrete variable for an optimization problrm?
To restrict x1 to { 2, 5, 7, 8 } You might make slack variables x1 = 2 + 3*y1 + 2*y2 + 1*y3; with constrants y1, y2, y3 inte...

9 months ago | 0

Proper way to call designfilt for filtfilt
@Paul I have a question, you select the original phase for sqrtVfreq sqrtVfreq = sqrt(abs(Vfreq)).*exp(1j*angle(Vfreq)); Is it...

9 months ago | 0

Collaborative work environment in app designer
We are not working with App Designer but with GUI, and we have the same issue, there is np way to merge or rebase correctly dif...

9 months ago | 0

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Can I use a Matlab function as a callback of a C library when using loadlibrary and calllib ?
No MATLAB function are propritary and cannot directly inferfacing with anything (else). You have to wrap it in appropiate interf...

9 months ago | 1

How to find the matlab interp1 computational complexity?
If N is the number of data points (x, y), M is the query points (xq) interp1(x, y, xq, ...) has complexity of O(M*log(N)) for ...

9 months ago | 0

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Generate all possible permutations including repeats
F = [0,1,2]; combinations(F,F,F)

9 months ago | 0

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Creating equidistant point on a 2D boundary plot
Check out

9 months ago | 1

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Related to finding columns of a matrix satisfying specific conditions
% Generate a test matrix X = rand(8, 500); X(:,10) = [0 0 3 0 5 0 0 0]; X(:,20) = [0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0]; % won't be detected si...

9 months ago | 0

Matlab crashes with large matrix
For 1e6 column the memory required in Gb for one array is memgGb = 1e6*12e3*8 / 1e9 And you have the cell array + the concaten...

9 months ago | 1

Efficiently calculating the pixels crossed by a ray bundle
I only add an altervative to the for-loop at the end. On my PC the runtime if about 10 time faster. %all of this is usually su...

9 months ago | 0

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Proper way to call designfilt for filtfilt
The command designfit is used to design a filter with user high level specification of the response funtion. The result of desig...

9 months ago | 2 answers | 0



Minimize multivariable function with multivariable nonlinear constraints in MATLAB
x0 = [0;0;0;0;0;0]; x = fmincon(@mycost,x0,[],[],[],[], [],[],@mycon) function f = mycost(x) f = (x(1)*x(3)*cos(x(4))); en...

9 months ago | 1

Quick method in solving symmetric linear equation
If your S is sparse you should look at iterative methods. For symmtric case it is recommended to use pcg. To take further advant...

9 months ago | 0

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Multiply slices of 3D matrices without duplicating in memory
This would do m = 100; n = 10; S=rand(m,n,n); W=rand(n,n,n); X=pagemtimes(S,reshape(W,[n n 1 n])); X=reshape(X,[m n n^2]...

9 months ago | 0

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Unexpected result using cellfun with 'size' as first argument on string array
The title of the topic says it all, but here is the result I would not expected. Is this behaviour intended? or is it a bug? s...

9 months ago | 1 answer | 0



why does not "pchip" requires derivative values as input
Since the derivatives are computed internally as with general polynomial picewise functions. It satisfies : interpolation on ...

9 months ago | 0

What frustrates you about MATLAB? #2
The function combinations returns a table instead of standard array.

9 months ago | 0


Error "Method 'Control' is not defined for class ''"
fig = figure('Name', 'test'); t = tiledlayout(fig, 4, 4); The latest instruction throw this strange error on one of my...

10 months ago | 3 answers | 0



Issue with optimizing vectorized code with logical matrixes
My guess is that you run into memory problem. During the assigment gamma(loc#) = theta(loc#) There are perhaps 3 copy of a bi...

10 months ago | 0

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Whether Matlab is compatible with macOS?

10 months ago | 1

how velocize it? (vectorize it)
a=magic(8) b=[1 3 2 4 5 5 8 3] % (b is always >0) B = a.* ((1:size(a,1))' >= b)

10 months ago | 1

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How to avoid unnecessary legends in the graph?
h=plot(t,TGN,t,T1N,t,ML1N,t,ML2N,t,ACN,t,EMSB1N,t,MFN,t,mainN); xticks([43200 129600 216000 302400 388800 475200]) xticklabels...

10 months ago | 0

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Valid Shape FFT Deconvolution
You just do something that is obviously impossible. By FFT with truncation X = fft(x,L) You don't use the n-1 last elements s...

10 months ago | 0

Find maximum difference between two arrays
No need to compare all the pairs A = randn(1,101); B = randn(1,101); dmaxBruteForce = max(abs(A-B.'),[],'all') dmaxSma...

10 months ago | 1

How do I get largest distance between two rows in an nx3 matrix?
For euclidian distance, the largest distance must contain 2 points on the convex hull xy = randn(10000,2); K = convhull(xy); ...

10 months ago | 0

How to access struct member via a string
I made this for my own use. It is not a dot syntax, just the functional form. The constraint is that accessing nested subfield(...

10 months ago | 0

How to map two data sets on same xy coordinates for density-based comparison (hist3)?
Specify edges rather than (resolution) nbins

10 months ago | 0

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