Finding accurate inverse of binary circulant matrix
BCM=readmatrix('MixingLayer.xlsx'); inv(gf(BCM,2))

3 months ago | 0

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finding value in 2d array function of x and y
Given (vehicle.wheeltorque ,vehicle.wheelspeed), use pdist2 to compute the distances to the column vectors of the matrix [Torque...

3 months ago | 0

How do I sort these 2D-Points to get a proper surf plot of this function
x = linspace(-1,1,1000); y = linspace(-1,1,1000); [X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y); Z = nan(size(X)); idx = X.^2+Y.^2 <= 1; Z(idx) = 1...

3 months ago | 1

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how to read mat file in matlab

3 months ago | 0

Proving one function is greater than other?
syms x y f = 53.989/21.233 * (log(log(x))).^(4/3)./(log(x)).^(1/3); %x is solution where f starts getting greater than 1 xsta...

3 months ago | 0

Multicomponent gas separation in hollow fiber membranes
par.thickness_membrane = 1e-6; % thickness membrane [m] par.Perm_H2 = 250*3.35e-16; % Permeability H2 [mol m/m2 s Pa] par.Per...

3 months ago | 0

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How should I set the value of u_tau?
The problem simply is that you cannot solve delay PDEs with "pdepe", at least not directly. A possible remedy: Call "pdepe" in...

3 months ago | 0

Calculate the summation of second column in both arrays
array = [2 5;7 -4]; sum(array(:,2))

3 months ago | 0

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Function with multiple input parameters to be determined through fitting
You have to use "integral" instead of "int" and loop over the elements in E_p: EM_SS([1 1 1 1 1 1],1) function F = EM_SS(p, e_...

3 months ago | 0

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How to solve a system of nonlinear differential equation that follows some pattern
function dy = fun(t,y) dy = y.*[y(2:end);y(1)] end or a function handle fun = @(t,y) y.*[y(2:end);y(1)]

3 months ago | 1

Interpolating the y values of a dataset A to correspond to the x values of dataset B.
The easiest way I can think of is y1_at_x2 = interp1(x1,y1,x2) If it's precise ? Define precise. At least you have the choice ...

3 months ago | 1

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Hi, i try to solve equation c in terms of other variables, and its appear the messages and the answers is not as expected. Is supposed to be beta/p^(1/sigma)? is it?
Maybe you want to restrict the parameters to be positive (and thus real-valued): syms beta c sigma p positive eqn1 = beta/c^si...

3 months ago | 0

How to solve 3 linear equations symbollically?
The first two equations in "velocity_eq" only have "omega_output_z" as variable and contradict each other (see above).

3 months ago | 1

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Problem with matrix dimensions
In "sistema", I made F a column vector by adding a last line as F = F(:); and it works.

3 months ago | 0

Nonorthogonal eigenvectors for general eigenvalue problem with eig() and eigs()
From the documentation: [V,D] = eig(A,B) returns diagonal matrix D of generalized eigenvalues and full matrix V whose columns a...

3 months ago | 0

Finding the minimum distance between two matrices Use one matrix to generate the curve and the other dat...

3 months ago | 0

How to solve a fourth order differential equation (boundary value problem) with constraint?
And as far as I see, a necessary and sufficient condition that w'''' is bounded on [0 l] is w(0) = 0, and that's what you alread...

3 months ago | 0

How to delete variables in a table within a cell array
for i=1:10 c{i}(:,1:2) = []; end

3 months ago | 0

Index in position 1 exceeds array bounds. Index must not exceed 1.
A is a single value, namely A = b*h + z*h^2; % Cross-sectional area (m^2) But in your double loop, you treat A as if it we...

3 months ago | 0

Why are these interations not working?
x1 = 16/2; y1 = 25/5; fyx = -1/2; fxy = 1/5; x2 = fyx*y1 y2 = fxy*x1; x3 = fyx*y2 y3 = fxy*x2; x4 = fyx*y3 y4 = fxy...

3 months ago | 0

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Crank-Nicholson method
I suggest the following code: xstart = 0; xend = 1; tstart = 0; tend = 1; nx = 10; nt = 100; x = linspace(xstart,xend,nx)...

3 months ago | 0

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Calculate total heat loss by conduction given temperature and depth profile vectors
Here is another way to determine the temporal change of heat content in the substratum. rho*cp*dT/dt = d/dx (k*dT/dx) Integrat...

3 months ago | 0

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Calculate total heat loss by conduction given temperature and depth profile vectors
How can I estimate the total heat loss (w/m2) at each time interval (i.e., the heat loss for every profile)? Total heat flow in...

3 months ago | 0

data not generating and error in plotting
And what is the "correct" result ? According to your mathematical description, I get this: % Define initial parameters lambda...

3 months ago | 0

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Problem with the fitting
% Define the data dr_data = [2.5453, 0.042123; 5.0907, 0.075326; 7.636, 0.059506; 10.1813, 0.071553; 12.7267, 0.071365; 15.272,...

3 months ago | 0

Second order coupled differential equation
X0 = [0; 0; 0]; % initial conditions r = linspace(1, 50, 100); % resistance range tspan = linspace(0,100, 100); freq_vector...

3 months ago | 0

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Use of Fmincon for stress relax data
I suggest you read the examples for the different suitable solvers. They will show you exactly how to proceed for your case. Ma...

3 months ago | 0

use of pdepe for a space-dependent diffusivity
First: Don't name the vector "diff" since "diff" is an internal MATLAB function. Name it D, e.g. Second: To get the correct val...

3 months ago | 0

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If I have an array and I need to find an element in the array how do I go about it?
Compute 100*states(:,1)+10*states(:,2)+states(:,3) and use "find" to compare with C.

3 months ago | 1

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