
Use a timetable to analyze a train timetable (Part 1)
Oh no, you missed your train to Boston! Find the departure time of the next available train by analyzing the train timetable. Th...

2 years ago


Sum the Infinite Series
Given that 0 < x and x < 2*pi where x is in radians, write a function [c,s] = infinite_series(x); that returns with the...

2 years ago


Lunar Arithmetic (Multiplication)
< OEIS link for a description of lunar arithmetic> Simply take the larger digit when adding and take ...

2 years ago


Expand 10^n to Powers of 4
Given an integer n, return the coefficients c = [c_n,c_n-1,...,c_0] Such that 10^n = c_n*4^(n) + c_n-1*4^(n-1...

2 years ago


Muphry's Law of MATLAB
You're running some simple multiplication problems through MATLAB for error checking purposes, but nothing seems to come up with...

2 years ago


Restricted Addition v3
This problem is < Restricted Addition v2> with...

2 years ago


Restricted Addition v2
This problem is Restricted Addition v1 with more restrictions. Also, you must handle negative and non-integer values. Add two n...

2 years ago


Restricted Addition v1
Add two numbers without use of common arithmetic operations. Unfortunately, in order to enforce this restriction, other restrict...

2 years ago


Make an anonymous function that has variable output
Make a anonymous function that has variable output. f = @(x)... the following equation→equation(s) as followed has(ve) ...

2 years ago


Apply Function to Each Field of a Structure Array: Part 2
The builtin < structfun> applies a function handle to each fie...

2 years ago


Apply Function to Each Field of a Structure Array: Part 1
The builtin < structfun> applies a function handle to each fie...

2 years ago


Easy Sequences 4: Eliminate the Days of Confusion
If a date is written in purely numeric format some dates can be confusing, if we don't know the date format used. For example, "...

2 years ago


Easy Sequences 12: 50th Prime
Write a function that outputs the th prime after a given number . For example, the th prime after is . NOTE: If itself is pr...

2 years ago


Easy Sequences 1: Find the index of an element
The nth element of a series is defined by: . Obviously, the first element . Given the nth element , find the value of the corre...

2 years ago


How long does it take to run a bath?
Given the *volume flow rate* (volume/time) of a faucet and the *volume* of a bath tub, find the amount of time it takes to fill ...

2 years ago


Integer complexity (Large numbers)
Inspired by < Problem 42831>, this problem aims to ...

2 years ago


Integer complexity
Given an array, n, of positive integers, return an array, c, of the same size, in which each element is the <https://en.wikipedi...

2 years ago


Add the number of horizontal and vertical movements to each matrix element
Given n, create a square matrix and with element (1,1) = 1, add 1 to each element for each horitizonal and vertical movement. E...

2 years ago


Determine RSA keys (public and private) given two prime number character strings (p and q)
Given two prime number character strings (p and q), generate the RSA public and private keys (n and d) with e = 65537. The more ...

2 years ago


i forgot to use capital I
When referring to yourself you should write "I" (capital) and not "i". So correct the input string x, but be aware that other u...

2 years ago


Check if a matrix Diagonal is equal to its secondary diagonal
Your function should return True if the secondary diagonal is equal to diagonal, and False otherwise. Eg: M = [1 2 1 ...

2 years ago


Remove element(s) from cell array
You can easily remove an element (or a column in any dimension) from a normal matrix, but assigning that value (or range) empty....

2 years ago


Maximum of ND-array
Find the maximum element of a N dimensional array. Example: A=[1 2 4 ; -20 4 10]; The maximum is 10.

2 years ago


Find the nth composite number.
Everyone heard about the nth prime number. Let's try to find out the nth composite. For example , 1 is the first composite, 10 i...

2 years ago


Consecutive Prime Numbers

2 years ago


Concatenated Consecutive Prime

2 years ago


Hoax Numbers
A Hoax Number (OEIS A019506) is defined as a composite number, whose sum of digits is equal to the sum of digits of its distinct...

2 years ago


List the good primes

2 years ago

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