
Find the rank of a matrix
Determine the rank of a matrix without using the MATLAB function of the same name.

9 years ago


Strange Number Algorithms
Three integer numbers will be provided to you. Write a function to Step1: Multiply first number by 3. Step2: Add 6 with t...

9 years ago


Find same numbers touching each other...
So the goal here is to find any number that is equal to its immediate neighbors and mark it true. Here is some examples: x...

9 years ago


factor to number
e.g. input number x=10 then it should produce y=25 or x=100 then y should be 2255. write a function or code to generate the same...

9 years ago


Natural numbers in string form
Create a cell array of strings containing the first n natural numbers. _Slightly_ harder than it seems like it should be. Ex...

9 years ago


Power The Product
EXAMPLE: INPUT x=10 & y=10 OUTPUT z=1000000 or, INPUT x=2 & y=3 OUTPUT z= 216 you just need to calculate the product first...

9 years ago


Sideways sum
Given natural number calculate its _population count_.

9 years ago


Compute Fibonacci Number
Compute the _n_-th Fibonacci Number f(0) = 0, f(1) = 1, f(2) = 1, f(3) = 2, ... f(42) = 267914296

9 years ago


Multiple element-wise operations: Percent change
Row arrays sales2013 and sales2014 reflect the quarterly sales (in millions) of a popular potato chip company. Write a statement...

9 years ago


Logical variables: Running late?
* Assign onTime with true if noTraffic is true and gasEmpty is false.

9 years ago


Logical operators and arrays: 3-input and truth table
Given 3 inputs (inputA, inputB, inputC), assign threeInputAnd with the truth table outcomes for a 3 variable logical-and operati...

9 years ago


Logical operators: Flipping bits
The xor operator will toggle the bit if the bit is xored with 1. Ex: 1 XOR 0 = 1, 1 XOR 1 = 0. The xor operator will retain th...

9 years ago


Logic array: Identifying qualifying times
Create a logic array qualifyingIndex with true for any location where the runner is male with a running time less than 8.2. Row ...

9 years ago


Extracting data: Heart rate (pulse)
The resting heart rate for an average adult is 60 - 100 beats per minute. Assign row array heartExtracted with all values in row...

9 years ago


Nth root.
* Assign outValues with the nth root of the inValues, the root is specified by rootValue

9 years ago


Function definition: BMI calculator
Define a function CalculateBMI with inputs massKg and heightCm. The function returns bodyMassIndex. The function should be able ...

9 years ago


Element-wise division
* Assign row array weightKilo with the corresponding weight in kilograms. Use the following conversion: kg = lb / 2.2

9 years ago


Convert Kilometers to Miles
Convert kilometers to miles. Consider 1 km = 0.62 mile. Note: Don't use the '*' operator.

9 years ago


I've got the power! (Inspired by Project Euler problem 29)
Consider all integer combinations of a^b and b^a for the integer values 2 ≤ a ≤ 4 and 2 ≤ b ≤ 5: 2^2=4, 2^3=8, 2^4=16,...

9 years ago


Form a gaussian kernel using matrix size and sigma value
For example matrix = 3; sigma = 1.2; Gaussian kernel = [1 2 1; 2 2 2; 1 2 1]; ...

9 years ago


Calculate the probability that at least two people in a group share the same birthday.
Calculate the probability that at least two people in a group share the same birthday. Given an integer input n, return to 0.015...

9 years ago


Mysterious digits operation (easy)
What is this digit operation? 0 -> 0 1 -> 9 121 -> 9 44 -> 6 15 -> 5 1243 -> 7 ...

9 years ago


Decoding : Find the value
'u' in the function below is of type char or string and 'v' is of type int or double. function y = your_fcn_name( u, v) ...

9 years ago


Is there a GPU Device?
Return true if there is a supported GPU device available on the Cody computer.

9 years ago


Enlarge array
Given an mxn numeric array (A) and a 1x2 vector (sz) indicating the dimensions [p q] to enlarge each element, return an (m*p)x(n...

9 years ago


Concatenate strings
concatenate a variable number of input strings to produce one outputstring

9 years ago


Remove element(s) from cell array
You can easily remove an element (or a column in any dimension) from a normal matrix, but assigning that value (or range) empty....

9 years ago


The Birthday Phenomenon
First off, leap years are not being considered for this. In fact the year that people are born shouldn't be taken into considera...

9 years ago


Find the 9's complement of the given number
Find the 9's complement of the given number. An example of how this works is <

9 years ago


Find 10's complement
Find 10's complement of a given number. An example is < shown here>.

9 years ago

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