
Deriving a function using the difference quotient
Write a function that evaluates the derivative of a function in a given point using the well-know formula of the difference quot...

9 years ago


Write code that can reverse the vector without using any sort of loop. Example Given the input vector A = [ 1 2 3 4 5...

9 years ago


Interior angles
Find the sum of interior angles for polygon of x sides.

9 years ago


just a try
put x=x^2

9 years ago


prime test 2
enter the only non prime,non composite number

9 years ago


prime test
find largest 2 digit prime number

9 years ago


Return the Nth Output from an Input Command
*Description* Given _F_, a cell array whose first element is a function handle and subsequent elements are arguments, return ...

9 years ago


Poker Series 03: isFullHouse
The Poker Series consists of many short, well defined functions that when combined will lead to complex behavior. Our goal is t...

9 years ago


Poker Series 04: isFlush
The Poker Series consists of many short, well defined functions that when combined will lead to complex behavior. Our goal is t...

9 years ago


Poker Series 02: isQuads
The Poker Series consists of many short, well defined functions that when combined will lead to complex behavior. Our goal is to...

9 years ago


Maintain shape of logical-index mask
When using logical indexing into an array, MATLAB returns a vector output. For example, if A = magic(3); mask = logi...

9 years ago


Converting Decimal to Binary
Given a decimal number that may include a fractional component, convert it into binary representation. The numbers you are given...

9 years ago


Generate the Matrix!
Given n, generate the following matrix: a = [ n n-1 n-2 ... 2 1; n-1 n-1 n-2 ... 2 1; n-2 n-2 n-2 ... 2 1;...

9 years ago

Puzzler for a Monday
k=ismember(A,B) A(k)='' if sum(k)==0 A=A; else A=[A B] end

9 years ago | 0


Fix the last element of a cell array
Note: this is lifted directly from < Puzzler for a Mond...

9 years ago


Reverse CHECKBOX MATRIX with 69
Create a reverse checkbox matrix with '69'. Where the size is the input and output will be a square checkbox matrix. Exa...

9 years ago


average for three points
how to calculate the average (for each three values of y) y=[2 3 5 3 4 2 3 4 5 3 2 7 8 6 5 5 4 3 3 3 2 ] you ...

9 years ago


Number Persistence
A number's persistence is the number of steps required to reduce it to a single digit by multiplying all its digits to obtain a ...

9 years ago


~~~~~~~ WAVE ~~~~~~~~~
|The WAVE generator| Once upon a time there was a river. 'Sum' was passing by the river. He saw the water of the river that w...

9 years ago


Read my mind and tell me the card number that I have now in my hands.

9 years ago


Create a block diagonal matrix
A block diagonal matrix is a square matrix that can be written as A = [a 0 0 0 0 b 0 0 0 0 c 0 ...

9 years ago


calculate interest saved because of reduction of interest rate
calculate interest saved because of a reduction of interest rate per year (Assuming No leap year) Currently, in India, rate o...

9 years ago


Convert elements in numeric array into different class
Write a function that converts elements in a numeric array into a different class. Example: a = [1:5]; % class: double b...

9 years ago


Linear system solve
Solve a linear set of equations as described in the following link:

9 years ago


Toolbox check part 3
In my ongoing quest to highlight obscure parts of MATLAB, the latest challenge is to take 2 string inputs, one a MATLAB toolbox ...

9 years ago


Simple problem creating a function from an abstract specification.
MYSTERYFUNCTION3 This takes a vector of numbers v and computes a vector w such the w[i] is the average of v[i] and the previous...

9 years ago


Compress strings (not springs)
Please remove excess space, limit one space between others, and no space before punctuation marks. * For example, 'Trendy , ...

9 years ago


Find the elements of a matrix according to a defined property.
From A = [5,2,3] and B = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] produce a vector C where : C(1) is the sum of the first A(1) elements of B, ...

9 years ago


When can one be the Life Member of the IEEE?
Consult the site from where it can be seen that IEEE Members who have reached the age of 65 an...

9 years ago


R2012b atan in Degrees
Return in degrees the atan result of inputs for all four quadrants. *Examples:* [x, y] Degrees 1 0 0 1 1 ...

9 years ago

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