
Area of a disk
Find the area of a disk or circle. x= radius of the disk.

10 years ago


Find the Nth Root of a Given Number
Find the Nth root of a given number x. Examples x = 4096 n = 4 y = 8 x = 625 n = 5 y = 3.6239

10 years ago


Obscured by Earth
Given two points in < ECI> reference frame, check wheather they are in line-...

10 years ago


Determine connected components of a graph
Adjacency matrix of an undirected graph is given. Return the number of connected components in the graph.

10 years ago


Integer sequence - 2 : Kolakoski sequence
Get the n-th term of < Kolakoski Sequence>.

10 years ago


Fermat's last theorem - again
For a given integer n, express it as a sum of two squares if possible. Return empty matrix otherwise. Solution may not be unique...

10 years ago


Tribute to Ramanujan
The nth taxicab number, denoted as T(n), is defined as the smallest number that can be expressed as a sum of two positive algebr...

10 years ago


Convert a numerical matrix into a cell array of strings
Given a numerical matrix, output a *cell array of string*. For example: if input = 1:3 output is {'1','2','3'} whic...

10 years ago


I want eval
A valid MATLAB statement containing a definition of a vector is passed as a string S. Determine the length of the vector. Inp...

10 years ago


Neither minima nor maxima
Input v is a vector. Return all the elements of v which are not a local minimum or maximum. Example: v = [1 2 3 4 5] Ou...

10 years ago


Generate this matrix
For a given odd integer n, generate a matrix as follows: Input: n = 5; Output: [ 2 1 0 0 0 1 ...

10 years ago


Convert a vector into numbers
Suppose a vector x = [ 1 2 4 7] is given. You have to convert this vector into string number y = '1247'. Examples x = [ 1...

10 years ago


What day is it?
Tell me what day is it. Return the full name of the day of the week as a string. e.g. It's June 12th 2014, so your function s...

10 years ago


Integer Sequence - 1
Check the test suite to determine the relationship between input integer scalar and output integer scalar.

10 years ago


Sort the vector with the given index
Given x = [1 2 4 8 17] and t = [1 3 2 5 4] then y = [1 4 2 17 8].

10 years ago


Sum of the Matrix Elements
Add up all the elements in a NxM matrix where N signifies the number of the rows and M signifies the number of the columns. E...

10 years ago


Replace Nonzero Numbers with 1
Given the matrix x, return the matrix y with non zero elements replaced with 1. Example: Input x = [ 1 2 0 0 0 ...

10 years ago


Elements with highest local average
Input v is a row vector such that length(v)>3. Consider a sliding window of length 3 that is used to calculate the local average...

10 years ago


Tic Tac Toe Solver
Create a function that checks n number of tic tac toe boards housed in a 3x3xn matrix where the x's are represented as 1's (and ...

10 years ago


row-th maximum row elements
Input a is a square matrix of size n*n. Output vector v is of size 1*n. The ith element of output v is the ith largest element o...

10 years ago


N-Dimensional Sorting
Given two N-dimensional matrices A and B, first sort A in increasing order and then sort B with respect to the index of A. Y...

10 years ago


Sort numbers by outside digits
Sort the array so that they are sorted as if their value was a 5 digit number made from the first three and last two digits of t...

10 years ago


Wrapping the Tower of Pisa
The famous artist Christo Vladimirov Javacheff, who likes pizza, wants to wrap the well-known Italian tower in paper. It is a ci...

10 years ago


Find maximum value of a curve
Two vectors shall be already defined: - Input vector x (e.g. x = 0:1:10) - Result vector y (e.g. y = sin(x)) Create a n...

10 years ago


Numbers spiral diagonals (Part 2)
Inspired by Project Euler n°28 and 58. A n x n spiral matrix is obtained by starting with the number 1 and moving to the righ...

10 years ago


Path calculation with polynomials
Let a vector x be the input to our function. 1. If a value of an input vector element x is lower than 0, set this value to 0....

10 years ago


Numbers spiral diagonals (Part 1)
Inspired by Project Euler n°28 et 58. A n x n spiral matrix is obtained by starting with the number 1 and moving to the right...

10 years ago


Sum the entries of each column of a matrix which satisfy a logical condition.
Given a numeric matrix A and a logical array L of the same size as A, return a row vector S containing the columnwise sums of th...

10 years ago


Vectorizing, too easy or too hard?
Please insert a . before any ^, * or / in the string. That's it!!

10 years ago


Is the Point in a Circle?
Check whether a point or multiple points is/are in a circle centered at point (x0, y0) with radius r. Points = [x, y]; c...

10 years ago

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