
Function definition: Volume of a pyramid
Define a function CalculatePyramidVolume with inputs baseLength, baseWidth, and pyramidHeight. The function returns pyramidVolum...

9 years ago


Construct an array
* Construct an row array named observedValues with elements sensorReading1, sensorReading2, and sensorReading3.

9 years ago


Given an input variable x, output a variable y that is equal in value to x. Example: Input x = 1 Output y is 1 Inp...

9 years ago


Add 7
Given an input variable x, output a variable y that is 7 greater than x. Example: Input x = 1 Output y is 8 Input ...

9 years ago


* Fix the syntax errors.

9 years ago


Integer indexing array: Shift left
Write a *single* statement that shifts row array attendanceValues one position to the left. The rightmost element in attendanceV...

9 years ago


Counting pulses in a signal
Count the number of pulses that are the result of summing each pulse generator block. Pulse Generator blocks produce a recurr...

9 years ago


Make a full wave rectifier
Produce a full wave rectifier waveform for the given sine wave source. For a sine wave input, the output of the full wave rec...

9 years ago


Make a half wave rectifier
Produce a signal that outputs the given sine wave source when it is greater than zero and outputs zero when it is less than zero...

9 years ago


Add offset to a signal
Produce the following signal: <<>> You should see a downward...

9 years ago


Produce a sine wave
Produce a sine wave with amplitude 3: <<>>

9 years ago


Delete blanks at the end of string
you got to delete all blank spaces which appears at the end of string

9 years ago


string comparision
compare two strings if both are same return 1 else return 0

9 years ago


Solitaire Cipher
Implement the < solitaire cipher>. Since this is from Wikipedia, I am capturin...

9 years ago


Coordinate geometry
Assign pointsDistance with the distance between point (x1, y1) and point (x2, y2). The distance is calculated by: Distance =...

9 years ago


ASCii Code
Using Matlab get the ASCii for '?'

9 years ago


Compute total cost
A soda costs 2 dollars. A taco costs 3 dollars. Write a statement that assigns totalCost with the total meal cost given the numb...

9 years ago


Population growth
Assign finalPopulation with the population size given an initial population, population growth rate, and number of years. The fi...

9 years ago


Add a block to a model
Produce the following signal: <<>> In this case, the slope of...

9 years ago


Building matrices
If you have matrix A, create matrix B using matrix A as an "element" A = [1 2 3 4; 5 6 7 8...

9 years ago


ASCii Code
Using matlab, give the symbol that is associated with ASCii code 122

9 years ago


Relational operators: Guessing game
Row array userGuess contains a sequence of user guesses. Create a logical indexing array correctGuess with true in each location...

9 years ago


Logical indexing: High scores
Row array gameScores contains all player scores. Construct a row array highScores than contains all player scores greater than 5...

9 years ago


Counting down
Create a vector that counts from 450 to 200 in increments of 10.

9 years ago


Simple equation: Annual salary
Given an hourly wage, compute an annual salary by multiplying the hourly wage times 40 and times 50, because annualSalary = hour...

9 years ago


Evaluating a polynomial
Given the following polynomial and the value for x, determine y. y = 3x^5 – x^3 + 8x – 3 Example x = 1 y = 3 - 1 +...

9 years ago


Logical indexing: Player scores
Player 1 and player 2 take turns playing a game. Row array gameScores contains the scores of player 1, then player 2, then playe...

9 years ago


Indexing the last element: Print queue
* Delete the last element of row array printQueue.

9 years ago


Write an expression
Assigns finalResult with firstSample plus secondSample, squared, then divided by 3. Ex: If firstSample is 18 and secondSample is...

9 years ago


Function definition: Double down.
* Complete the DoubleDown function to return twice the initialValue.

9 years ago

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