
vectors counting by 5
Create a vector with numbers from x_min to x_max in increments of 5.

7 years ago


row removal
Remove the nth row from input matrix M and return the resulting matrix in output N.

7 years ago


Matrix Manipulation
Given an m*n matrix, see if a matrix contains any 0s in any row. if it contains 0 anywhere in any particular row, delete that ro...

7 years ago


Pascal's pyramid
In Pascal's triangle each number is the sum of the two nearest numbers in the line above: 1 1 1 ...

7 years ago


Determine the number of bits used to encode a given number of quantization levels .
Determine the number of bits used to encode a given number of quantization levels .

7 years ago


determine the sum of the squares
if x = 4, the solution will be: y = 1^2+2^2+3^2+4^2=1+4+9+16 = 30.

7 years ago


Write a function that takes an interval from a to b, and divides it into 6 parts.

7 years ago


3-bit ADC channel accepts analog input ranging from 0 to 5 volts, determine the number of quantization levels.

7 years ago


Convolution of vectors
Find the convolution of the 2 vectors.

7 years ago


Get chain of consecutive characters
Write a function that will output a chain of consecutive characters, given 2 letters as input. It has to work backwards too. Exa...

7 years ago


Subdivide the Segment
Two points, P1 and P2, with integer x-y coordinates are given. These uniquely determine a third point, P0, on the extended line...

7 years ago


Design a function to perform convolution on 2 vector of numbers
The function should accept 2 one dimensional vectors of any length and compute the convolution between these 2 vectors and store...

7 years ago


Determine if number is even
Your function should return true if input x is even, else return false

7 years ago


plotting a quantized signal (DSP)
Given the following sinusoidal wave x(t)= 5 sin(2pi * 50*t) with a 4 bit bipolar quantizer, sampled at 8000 Hz and signal range ...

7 years ago


convert 2D array of ones and zeros to checkerboard array of [1,2] where the original array was ones and zero elsewhere
Given a 2D array of ones and zeros, generate an equivalent sized checkerboard array of ones and twos. The checkerboard pattern s...

7 years ago


Decimal to Binary
Create a function that returns the binary of a decimal number. Decimal number is given as 6

7 years ago


Determine the number of quantization levels
m is the number of bits used in ADC determine the number of quantization level

7 years ago


Quantization Level
Given an 3-bit Quantizer ranging from 0-5 Volts, Determine the number of quantization level.

7 years ago


Create a function for uniform quantization decoding.
include the formula to find pq, delta and quantization level.

7 years ago


if value n is larger than or equal to 100, return true, else false.

7 years ago


find the required sampling frequency
find the required frequency in order to sample this signal and recovered back using law pass filler : signal= 4.5*sin (2*pi*1...

7 years ago


plot the following analog signal with frequency of 150Hz
x(t)= 4 sin(2*pi*150t) T=0.005s plot it to 0.2s period

7 years ago


Signal sample
Find the no. Of quantisation level of signal with 6-bits.

7 years ago


Find the quantization index of an analog value using a 6-bit quantizer.
Given a sinusoidal waveform x(t)=4.5*sin(2*pi*100*t) is sampled at 8000 sample per second. Assume that signal range is between -...

7 years ago


Determine the input for these two numbers.
function c=add_together(a,b) a=12345678; b=87654321; end

7 years ago


A uniform quantizer
Find the total number of quantization levels and step size for a 3 bit bipolar quantizer for an input analog signal ranges from ...

7 years ago


Binary code for an analog signal
Digitization of a signal consists of 3 stages: sampling, quantization and encoding. Sampling convert the analogue signal into...

7 years ago


Calculate SNR in dB using original signal and quantized signal
origs: the original signal quants: the quantized signal *hint* : need to calculate the quantization error and plug into SN...

7 years ago


Find the binary code
Given a sinusoidal signal, create a function that returns the binary code of a quantized value. The function takes the bit lengt...

7 years ago


Does this dress make me look fat
For the input string "Does xyz make me look fat" output the string "No, xyz does not make you look fat"

7 years ago

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