
Input & Output "Smart One"
If i give my secret function a x value as input the result will be y value as output. Examples: input: x=6 ----->>> output: ...

7 years ago


Matrix game: Winner takes all
Given a matrix A, return a new matrix of the same size in which the biggest element of each column in A takes 1, and 0 for all t...

7 years ago


Can the given sides form a triangle?
Can the three given sides form a triangle?

7 years ago


Create tangent function out of sin and cos
Please don't use tan(x) directly

7 years ago


Determine if a four bar mechanism is of Grashof type
A four bar mechanism is composed of four links. if s is the smallest link, l the longest and p,q are the length of the other lin...

7 years ago


First use of arrayfun() and anonymous function @(x)
Create an anonymous function using @(x) for a parabola equation for the given coefficients stored in s with s(1)x2 + s(2)x +...

7 years ago


Sum of digit range
Example: If A is n1, and B is n2 digit positive numbers. A*B's digit range will be [c d] (c = min & d = max). Then return ...

7 years ago


Construct a "diagAdiag" matrix
Construct a matrix whose elements begin from 1 and end at n^2 with the order of arrangement as shown below: For: n = 4 ...

7 years ago


Convert degrees to radians
Given input in degrees, output to radians

7 years ago


Equal temperament - musical notes and frequency
Starting from 440Hz note (musical note A above middle C), create 13 notes, using twelve-tone equal temperament, in Herz units. ...

7 years ago


Fractal: area and perimeter of Koch snowflake
Starting from an equilateral triangle with side 's', what is the area and perimeter of Koch snowflake at n'th recursive iteratio...

7 years ago


The last non-zero digit of a factorial
For given positive integer n, what is the last non-zero digit of n!? Example: factorial(11) = 39916800 Last non-zero d...

7 years ago


The number of trailing zero digit of a factorial
For given positive integer n, take factorial of that number. How many trailing zeros does it have? Example: factorial(11) = 3...

7 years ago


Smallest n, for n! to have m trailing zero digits
For given positive integer n, its factorial often has many trailing zeros, in other words many factors of 10s. In order for n! t...

7 years ago


Number of paths on a n-dimensional grid
This problem is inspired by <> and <https:/...

7 years ago


Number of paths on a 3d grid
This problem is inspired by <>, which you mi...

7 years ago


Number of even divisors of a given number
Given a Number n, return the number of its even divisors without listing them. example: n=14 ; EvenDivisors={2,14} ; y=2 ...

7 years ago


Path of least resistance
Find the length of the shortest path through the matrix from the top left to bottom right corner. You may move right, down, or d...

7 years ago


Make a rainbow matrix (follow-up to checkerboard matrix)
Given an integer n, make an n-by-n matrix as shown below. The a(1,1) should be 0. As we move away from the top-left, the number ...

7 years ago


Make a checkerboard matrix
Given an integer n, make an n-by-n matrix made up of alternating ones and zeros as shown below. The a(1,1) should be 1. Examp...

7 years ago


Write a function to calculate step size delta if bits per sample and input range is given for quantization.
numBit = bits per sample; range = input max value - min value; delta = step size; l = number of levels;

7 years ago


Polar Form Complex Number Entry
Write a function that takes the magnitude and angle(in degrees) of a complex number and returns a complex variable. Positive ang...

7 years ago


Volume Pillar
Calculate the volume of a pillar with radius l and heigth ar.

7 years ago


Piecewise linear interpolation
Given an Mx2 vector and a row of M-1 integers, output a two column vector that linearly interpolates Y times between each succes...

7 years ago


without zeros
given an array with seros at the begining or at the end, you should get the output without these zeros: input = [zeros(5,...

7 years ago


What makes the difference between griddata and griddatan?
Since griddatan is the n-d generalization of griddata, I assume that for 2-d scenarios, they should have identical behavior. Thi...

7 years ago | 0 answers | 1




Why MATLAB has a confusing function name such as griddata (or griddatan)?
I am really confused by the function names *griddata* and *griddatan*, because these function names are prefixed by *grid* where...

7 years ago | 1 answer | 0





7 years ago


Convex Hull Capture
Imagine four points in uv that form a square. uv = [ ... 0,0; 0,2; 2,2; 2,0]; Now we have two more po...

7 years ago


Pascal's triangle
<> if the order is: x = 3; the output will be: output = [0 0 0 1 0 0 ...

7 years ago

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