
cheating technique1
in these cody problems, there is a way to cheat. find out how people cheat.

7 years ago


From a given cell array of strings, extract the non-unique strings.
We are given a cell array of strings C. From this cell array we require to extract the subset of non-unique strings, returning t...

7 years ago


Concatenate string with cell array of strings
Given a cell array of strings (a), a target string (b), and a target position (ind), return a cell array of strings (c) in which...

7 years ago


Split array into pieces according to corresponding array
An array x of length n has values 1...m with each value appearing at least once. The values are sorted (n>=m). A second...

7 years ago


Insert structure in a parameter-cell array.
When creating Matlab GUI elements, you can mix value pairs with structures in the list of input arguments, e.g. |uicontrol('t...

7 years ago


Change on Spiral Matrix
n>=3, generate a matrix of nth such that n^2 is the max number, and max number must be in [1,1] or [end, end]. One example will ...

7 years ago


Create matrix with common dates from a number of structs -inner join on dates
Do an "inner join" (as in SQL) on a number of structs where the ".date" is the date and the ".ts" the timeseries. The join is on...

7 years ago


if matrix x=[1 2;3 4] y should be [1 2 1 2; 3 4 3 4; 1 2 1 2; 3 4 3 4;............],repeat n times! try this!

7 years ago


'Price of pizza!'
If you want to check pizza's price, try this! price is proportional to its volume, so you have to multiply 0.1($) to pizza's v...

7 years ago


0, 2, 0, -2, 0, 2, 0, -2, ...
Generate the first n terms of a periodic sequence defined as f(x) = 0, 2, 0, -2, 0, 2, 0, -2, ..., for x = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6...

7 years ago


Apply Function to Each Field of a Structure Array: Part 1
The builtin < structfun> applies a function handle to each fie...

7 years ago


Apply Function to Each Field of a Structure Array: Part 2
The builtin < structfun> applies a function handle to each fie...

7 years ago


Apply Function to Each Field of a Structure Array: Part 2
The builtin < structfun> applies a function handle to each fie...

7 years ago | 1 | 20 solvers


Apply Function to Each Field of a Structure Array: Part 1
The builtin < structfun> applies a function handle to each fie...

7 years ago | 1 | 25 solvers


0, 2, 0, -2, 0, 2, 0, -2, ...
Generate the first n terms of a periodic sequence defined as f(x) = 0, 2, 0, -2, 0, 2, 0, -2, ..., for x = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6...

7 years ago | 0 | 78 solvers


Rule of mixtures (composites) - reverse engineering
The < rule of mixtures> is used in the mechanical design of composite structures to...

7 years ago


Rule of mixtures (composites) - other bound
The < rule of mixtures> is used in the mechanical design of composite structures to...

7 years ago


Rule of mixtures (composites) - lower and upper bounds (volumes)
The < rule of mixtures> is used in the mechanical design of composite structures to...

7 years ago


Rule of mixtures (composites) - weighted bound
The < rule of mixtures> is used in the mechanical design of composite structures to...

7 years ago


Rule of mixtures (composites) - either bound
The < rule of mixtures> is used in the mechanical design of composite structures to...

7 years ago


Rule of mixtures (composites) - lower and upper bounds
The < rule of mixtures> is used in the mechanical design of composite structures to...

7 years ago


Rule of mixtures (composites) - lower bound
The < rule of mixtures> is used in the mechanical design of composite structures to...

7 years ago


Rule of mixtures (composites) - upper bound
The < rule of mixtures> is used in the mechanical design of composite structures to...

7 years ago


Convert a structure into a string
Convert the contents of each fields into a string. Example with an input structure s with 2 fields : s.age = '33' s....

7 years ago


Determine which fields have been modified in a structure
Given two input structures (s1, s2), determine which field values have been modified in s2 compared to s1. Your output should be...

7 years ago


Reassign cell contents to empty variables, preserving cell content data type
Given a cell array C, return a cell array D with the following specifications: 1. D has the same size as the input C. 2. E...

7 years ago


Assign numerical values to a structure with 1 field
The aim is to assign values to a multidimensional structure *without using for-loop or while-loop* Example with a structure ...

7 years ago


Max index of 3D array
Given a three dimensional array M(m,n,p) write a code that finds the three coordinates x,y,z of the Maximum value. Example ...

7 years ago


just to test

7 years ago


1J = 101.325 L/atm Write a statement that assigns fractionalMultiplier with 101.325 Write a second statement that assigns Jo...

7 years ago

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