Downsampling array data from counts per minute to counts per hour
Hi dormant, There can be multiple ways to downsample your data depending on the initial data type. But if your input is just a...

5 months ago | 0

Reading Tar Files In Matlab
Hi Joe, The link you have provided doesn’t seem to be working but I can provide you with general workflow to extract relevant...

5 months ago | 0

Simulink look up tables not exported to fmu
Hi Olavo, You can follow the following steps to include tunable parameters in your FMU export from Simulink - Open your mo...

5 months ago | 1

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Expected a scalar value. This expression has size [:? x :?].
Hi Oliver, You have specified the types of the input variables to the “setAtMatrixRange” function. But since “MatrixIndexRang...

5 months ago | 0

Conditionally stop simulation in simulink
Hi Ting, You can connect “compare to constant” block to the signal “x” and then connect the output of that block to “stop simu...

5 months ago | 0

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MATLAB Coder: C Version Much Slower Than Mex Version
Hi Nyx, There can be several reasons for the C code to be slower than MEX version or the MATLAB code depending on your exact c...

5 months ago | 0

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Generated C code of SVM algorithm not accurate
Hi Nikhiliesh, I believe the generated C code is correct and there could be several reasons for mismatch in accuracy achieved ...

5 months ago | 0

Does event location terminate ODE solver at tspan?
Hi Yi-xia Liu, The values of variables “te”,”ye” and “ie” are empty when the event is set to terminate the integration at “t=...

6 months ago | 0

How to put the desired value for LPSP in MATLAB code for optimizing a PV-battery system using PSO algorithm?
Hi Trainee Engineer, As per my understanding of the question, you want the program to converge to a target LPSP value while u...

6 months ago | 0

how run opensees and matlab online together
Hi Rouhollah, The general way to access “opensees” is by writing the required commands to a file, and then using “system()” t...

6 months ago | 0

Is PID 2-DOF same with fuzzy PID ?
Hi Milad, A 2dof PID controller, commonly known as an ISA-PID compensator, is equivalent to a feedforward compensator and a f...

6 months ago | 0

I initially got an error of minFunc in matlab, i have uploaded the code of the function seperately, but it went away the next day without me doing anything. what happened?
Hi Puvvada, According to my understanding the error does not occur when you restart the MATLAB after a couple of days. The mo...

6 months ago | 0

how to solve higher order differentail equation using Runge Kutta 4th order method in matlab ?
Hi Aniket, You can select the ode45 solver in the model settings > solver to use the ode45 method which is based on an explic...

6 months ago | 0

Why is the build process failing in Simulink?
Hi Da Wang, The error you are facing is likely to be caused due to version compatibility issue between MATLAB and MinGW. You ...

7 months ago | 0

Command Window, display line numbers?
Hi Joshua, There is no method to configure command window in such a manner that the line number is shown corresponding to ever...

7 months ago | 0

Cannot save model 'dfig' in the MDL file format because some of characters it contains are not valid in the current character encoding, 'US-ASCII'. Either remove these charac
Hi Khelifa, The error you are facing is because of the filename with which you are trying to save the model. Check the “Choos...

7 months ago | 0

How do I incorporate a feedforward control signal into an MPC block?
Hi Joe, According to my understanding, MPC is generally used in closed loop configuration and the “Measured disturbances” is u...

7 months ago | 0

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Unable to get shared memory page. Make sure that your model either consists a Simulation step or an Analysis step block.
Hi Jie Tang, The error you are facing could be due to version mismatch between CANOE and MATLAB. The CANOE Blockset and CANOE...

7 months ago | 0

Solar PV System with MPPT Using Boost Converter
Hi Nishant, I believe you are referring to the following model present on the MathWorks documentation page - https://www.mathw...

7 months ago | 0

n-dimensional Polyhedron plotting using 2-dimensional plot commamnd
Hi Morteza, As per my understanding of the question you want to plot a “Polyhedron” in a 2-dimensional plot using only two of...

7 months ago | 0