Is it possible to insert in a legend a calculated variable?
for eg: z = 1; %loop1 data1 = [1:10];% data obtained in loop1 z = 2.5; %loop2 data2 = [1:2.5:25];% d...

11 years ago | 4

| accepted

How can i save after each loop the variable in the same vector?
Hi Chris. Its better to maintain a vector of the results instead of writing into a text file and again loading it. If you want ...

11 years ago | 0

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How can i import data from ms access in matlab
Try this link. < Interface with MS Access> <

11 years ago | 0

how to set the stop time in the scope of simulink
Hi Stanley, Have you tried un-checking the history option in the scope.PFA image <</matlabcentral/answers/uploaded_files/111...

11 years ago | 0

Create matrix 64x64 using Matlab Simulink
Hi Maximum,, the error is .. input signal to reshape is a signal of [61 x 1] where as the reshape block needs a matrix of [4096...

11 years ago | 0

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Simulink function block to multiply a signal with -1 if its negative
find the attached logic <</matlabcentral/answers/uploaded_files/10866/simulinklogic.png>>

11 years ago | 0

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search in data structure type
< Struct Find> I hope this will help you.

11 years ago | 1

how to get the length of text in matlab?
str = 'sandy sorathiya ' len = length(str);%length of the string

11 years ago | 1

How can I use variable of one M-file into other M-file ?
you can make functions and pass as arguments or u can declare them as global.

11 years ago | 0

is it possible to make a dialog box from excel file?
yes... [~,str1] = xlsread('xlsname.xls','SheetNam','A1:B1'); msgbox(char(str1)))

11 years ago | 0

copy pasting rows of a file to columns of other file
clear all; clc; fp1 = fopen('f1.ap','r'); i = 1; while(~feof(fp1)) mat{i,:}= fgetl(fp1); i = i+1; ...

11 years ago | 0

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what is the difference between ert.tlc model and idelink_ert.tlc model?
< Selecting Targets>

11 years ago | 0

increment values which are larger than three
a = find(A>3); A(a) = A(a)+1;

11 years ago | 1

cell2mat not working when cell array of type char has numbers of different lengths
In the second case the B{1} has 12 characters where as B{2} has only 11 characters . this is making an inconsistent matrix when ...

11 years ago | 0

initialize set of sequence variables in a loop
Ti = [1:5]; is this what you are looking for?

11 years ago | 1

call a function within another function
I guess you want to have two function within same m file. function fun_one() fun_two();%this is another function ...

11 years ago | 0

operation using *.m file
make hthresh.m and sthresh.m as function files function val1 = hthresh() function val2 = sthresh() and us...

11 years ago | 0

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Simulink display block as stateflow output
Display block can be used only to see the latest output.but if you want to see how the output varies over a period of time then ...

11 years ago | 0

plot two vectors simultaneuosly on the same axis?
plot(a) hold plot(b)

11 years ago | 3

how to make a masked block to take some values given as parameters in mask window?
please find the attached pic. <</matlabcentral/answers/uploaded_files/10511/mask.png>>

11 years ago | 0

how can I vary the parameters in s-functions
the parameters which has to be varied should be declared as parameters in the function definition of the s function.

11 years ago | 0

Simulink - Warning algebric loop
the feedback connection to sin_cos should be given using an unit delay block to avoid the algebraic loop error

11 years ago | 0

Date conversion in a number format
clc str = '03/06/2014 11:39:04.324 PM'; [date,rem] = strtok(str,'/'); [month,rem]= strtok(rem,'/'); [year,rem]...

11 years ago | 0

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how to delete all the elements from the matrix?
a = [1 2;3 4] to make this matrix empty.then a = [];

11 years ago | 0

Matlab says continue entering statements. I don't know what's wrong.
There should be one more 'end' at the last for closing the for loop clc k = [67.25; 205.25; 223.25; 319.25; 325.25]; ...

11 years ago | 3

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Can a client-server interface have multiple parameters in Simulink?
yes, a client server interface can have multiple parameter. i dont know the implementation in ascet

11 years ago | 0

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Creating two vectors from one.
x = [2 4;3 -8; 1 2; 2 4]; [m,n]=size(x); for i= 1:m-1 a(i,1) = x(i,2)*x(i+1,1); a(i,2) = x(i,1)*x(i+1,...

11 years ago | 0

Counting how many times a loop loops.
Check the code below. % Input Varibles g = input('guess how many times'); % Calculate Running Sum...

11 years ago | 4

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MATLAB Guide - Simulating a 4 digit keypad?
find the attached gui. you can use this for your requirement. hope this works

11 years ago | 1

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Help With Error: "Attempted to access S_0(2); index out of bounds because numel(S_0)=1."
In the code u have declared S_0 and S_1 as scalars and you are trying to access them as vectors in the for loop.S_0 and S_1 ha...

11 years ago | 0

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