
Need clarity of this command
I am having these commands a = [697 770 852 941]; b = [1209 1336 1477]; %them later in code f = []; ...

13 years ago | 2 answers | 0



how to use soundsc with function
Thanks Wayne King I did not check the command and assumed it will not work but it worked without any change but can u kindly...

13 years ago | 0

how to use soundsc with function
I think Wayne u r not getting the issue this code is perfect and running fine I am stuck to use this command *The book ...

13 years ago | 0

how to use soundsc with function
My dtmf is 1x38416 double When i run ur command i get this error >> soundsc(cell2mat(dtmf),fs) ??? Cell contents reference f...

13 years ago | 0


how to use soundsc with function
Hi i have written a code which is executing perfectly for DTMF tones with this command. I am listening tones in speaker dtmf=dt...

13 years ago | 6 answers | 0



Getting error of Double
Ok my this prblem is solved and i am listening tones but i am getting one error at end after listening the tones ??? Output a...

13 years ago | 0


Getting error of Double
This is portion of my code function [dtmf]=dtmfdial(x,fs); %This function produces DTMF Tone corresponding to given %key nu...

13 years ago | 4 answers | 0




how to use input element of function in code?
Let's suppose I have this function function [mean,stdev] = stat(x,b) n = length(x) mean = sum(x)/n; stdev = sqrt(sum((x-mea...

13 years ago | 1 answer | 0



Stuck with DTMF code
Somebody plz help me today wayne king is not here so i m alone....

13 years ago | 0

Stuck with DTMF code
I have made whole flow chart of code and written the code i just need help how can i give input of 5 keys in function and how ca...

13 years ago | 0

Stuck with DTMF code
Actually i want to play through follwoing matlab command sound(dtmfdial([input]),12000) and input is row vector what sh...

13 years ago | 0


Stuck with DTMF code
I want to write a DTMF function which takes 5 inputs and give sound for it with gap of 1 seconds. I know how to concatinetane at...

13 years ago | 5 answers | 0



Why my graph is not corelating with my calculations
Ok thanks daniel I have calculated one root of this equation as -1.5433 Is it correct answer can u check through matla...

13 years ago | 0


Why my graph is not corelating with my calculations
my equation is exp(x)-(x+1)/(x-1) Once i plot it with > x=0:.01:3; >> y=exp(x)-(x+1)/(x-1); >> plot(x,y) I g...

13 years ago | 2 answers | 0



how to find roots of equation having tan(x) or exp(x)
Thanks king and andrei This equation will calculate roots for tan in radians what if i have taken x in degrees how will...

13 years ago | 0

how to find roots of equation having tan(x) or exp(x)
These are the equations *exp(x)+x-10=0 and tan(x)-x-.01=0*

13 years ago | 0


how to find roots of equation having tan(x) or exp(x)
how to find roots of equation having tan(x) or exp(x) I know how to calculate roots of polynomial having numerical values bu...

13 years ago | 4 answers | 0



Can somebody trace my error in this solution of spectrum
ok thanks and what about the minus terms which i get while solving the questions by hand. u can see in above attached file, the...

13 years ago | 0

Can somebody trace my error in this solution of spectrum
Ok thanks and what abt this *Can i have j term in magnitude I mean 2j exp(j*pi/4)*

13 years ago | 0

Can somebody trace my error in this solution of spectrum
ok thanks, just make one last point clear if we have two freq components at one location, the way i am having at 250 Hz in attac...

13 years ago | 0

Can somebody trace my error in this solution of spectrum
I dont think we have to add them even if we add, then answer at one side will be 2.25 and other will be 1.75 which will be wron...

13 years ago | 0

Can somebody trace my error in this solution of spectrum
Can anybody help me here

13 years ago | 0


Can somebody trace my error in this solution of spectrum
I have found the frequency spectrum of signal x=(4+cos(1000*pi*t+pi/3)).*(sin(500*pi*t+pi/4)) There is slight difference i...

13 years ago | 8 answers | 0




Strange problem in plotting
I have solved this equation x=(4+cos(1000*pi*t+pi/3)).*(sin(500*pi*t+pi/4)) by hand and the amplitude comes to be 2 at 250 Hz. ...

13 years ago | 2 answers | 0



how to determine fundamental freq and plot this equation
Thanks Wayne King for taking me all along *My problem is solved and u also taught me*

13 years ago | 0

how to determine fundamental freq and plot this equation
so the period is 1/3. am i right What is fundamental frequency

13 years ago | 0

how to determine fundamental freq and plot this equation
King i m waiting for u....

13 years ago | 0

how to determine fundamental freq and plot this equation
When the value of theta will be zero, at that time exp(1j*2*pi*k*3*T)=1 and value of theta can be zero when k=0 ot T=0 ami ...

13 years ago | 0

how to determine fundamental freq and plot this equation
I am badly stuck Can u explain me the solution what u mean by *For that to happen: exp(1j*2*pi*k*3*T)=1*

13 years ago | 0

how to determine fundamental freq and plot this equation
Can u tell me the fundamental frequency and period of this signal Can i know fundamental freq and period of this signal witho...

13 years ago | 0

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