
prime test
find largest 2 digit prime number

7 years ago


Simple date to serial no. conversion
Convert a date string to a serial date number. For example if you take x='19-May-2001' then the result is 730990 x...

7 years ago



7 years ago


sinus function
x is the abscissa. find the absolute value of cosine of -x and the same value with changed sign.

7 years ago


Calculate the height of an object dropped from the sky
Assume that an object is dropped from 1000 meters above the surface of the earth at time t=0. The object is dropped such that t...

7 years ago


Create an 'arrow-head" matrix
Write a function that when given an odd number, produces an arrow-head function pointing to the right. Examples n = 3 ...

7 years ago


Tune your guitar
Given an input string with the scientific pitch notation for standard tuning ( <

7 years ago


Determine if input is divisible by three.
Given a positive integer, n, determine if n is divisible by 3. If yes, the function should output true. If no, false.

7 years ago


Find the area of the four walls
If length, breadth and height of the walls are given, find the area of the four walls.

7 years ago


UICBioE240 problem 1.18
exp(pi/5*i) and exp(pi/5i). Is there any difference in result? Write yes or no as a string.

7 years ago


Sum of the Multiplication of Vectors
Given the vectors x and y as input, multiply the vectors and return the summation of its elements. Example: x = [1 2 ...

7 years ago


Write a code that will follow the equation y = x * (x + x) * x.
If x = 5, y = 5 * (5+5) * 5 = 250

7 years ago


Next Higher Power of B
|Given a number _n_ and a base _B_ greater than 1, return the lowest integer power of _B_ that is greater than or equal to _n_. ...

7 years ago


Bit Reversal
Given an unsigned integer _x_, convert it to binary with _n_ bits, reverse the order of the bits, and convert it back to an inte...

7 years ago


Matrix of almost all zeros, except for main diagonal
Write a program to input an integer n and build a n-by-n matrix with the numbers 1,2,...,n on the main diagonal and zeros elsewh...

7 years ago


Let's see how peculiar we can get
The task is to multiply two numbers. But do it in the most peculiar possible way.

7 years ago


Back to Basics - Find no. of elements in a matrix?
Let A be a m*n matrix. Find the total no. of elements in A ? (Hint - formula based) A = [1 2 3;4 5 6]; output = 6

7 years ago


frame of the matrix
Given the matrix M, return M without the external frame.

7 years ago


ベクトル [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10] の作成
MATLABでは,角括弧の中に要素を入れることで、ベクトルを作成できる。 x = [1 2 3 4] また次のようにも書ける(コンマはオプション)。 x = [1, 2, 3, 4] 問題:次のベクトルを出力する関数を作成せよ。...

7 years ago


Average of square wave
given positive and negative peak , calculate dc level, 50% duty cycle

7 years ago


Check if equal
Return true if all the elements of an nD array are equal, false otherwise.

7 years ago


Cody Matlab Version
What is the current Cody Matlab Release? *Output:* string *Examples:* '(R2012a)' or 'R2012a' Hint: We have mo...

7 years ago


Square the input
Given a scalar or vector x, return the square of each element. Example x = [7 2] answer = [49 4]

7 years ago


Find and replaces spaces from a input string with *
For a given input string str, find how many spaces are there in the string and replace those spaces with * e.g. str = 'this is ...

7 years ago


UICBioE240 problem 1.3
Find the length of a vector. So if A = [1 1 1 1 1] Then B = 5

7 years ago


Area of a disk
Find the area of a disk or circle. x= radius of the disk.

7 years ago


find the roots of a quadratic equation
for e.g x = [ 2 -1 -3] y = [1.5 -1]

7 years ago


Speed of car
Calculate the Speed of car given its Distance travelled and time taken in x and y respectively

7 years ago


Saving MATLAB session to a file
How to save MATLAB session to a file?

7 years ago


Sort numbers by outside digits
Sort the array so that they are sorted as if their value was a 5 digit number made from the first three and last two digits of t...

7 years ago

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