beginner's question regarding plotting the start and end points of the lines detected
After doing the plot: a = axis; a([1 3]) = 1; axis(a) All that does is stop the plot the plot showing x & y values ...

10 years ago | 0

Cropping rectangular part of an image
If you want to get a _rectangular_ part of an image, all you need is: cropped = original(top:bottom, left:right,:); I...

10 years ago | 0

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Find rotation matrix using fsolve
When some angles get close to values near +/-90 degrees, using rotation matrices to calculate euler angles is prone to error ...

10 years ago | 1


How can I enable excel macros from matlab?
I have a problem where I need to supply a user with a template excel spreadsheet, and allow them to edit it in specific ways. I ...

10 years ago | 1 answer | 0



How can I save only one piece of data from the command window to a file?
Before your loop: fid = fopen(filename,'w'); In the loop: fwrite(fid,['Rejected ' num2str(rejected) ' trials, and some ...

10 years ago | 0

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Strange: Execution time per iteration increases, when GPU arrays are being used
I suspect that it has to do with caching. A slow main DRAM of 1GB or whatever will have "slow" write access times (tens-hund...

10 years ago | 0

Unsure of how to use and understand rand function
A= RAND(1000,1000) Does like you think. It creates a 1000 x 1000 matrix. The rest of the problem is trying to get you to...

10 years ago | 0

Plot a table into 16 rectangles
If you want to do it as a proper 3D plot, you're probably best off by building up patch objects. e.g. patch([0 1 1 0],[...

10 years ago | 0

Summation loop (sigma notation) help
If you want: (a)^n + (a+a)^n + (a+a+a)^n.... What you actually want is: a = 0.5; % or whatever sum = 0; n = 2; for ...

10 years ago | 1

Detect every second character from a string
This counts spaces & punctuation as characters (starting with the 1st character). string_var = 'The sun is shining. I feel ...

10 years ago | 0

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Fit a circle to 3d dots
Without looking at the data, it looks like the size of your circle would be larger than it should be because of the spots being ...

10 years ago | 0

Sir I am here to share my problem you that is " how a matlab code will be for auto motion detection in cctv cameras" if any one know this then plz guide me
If your camera gives you black & white images, then you can detect motion quite simply by subtracting frame 2 from frame 1 (or t...

10 years ago | 0

put me out of my misery
Looks like you actually want: plotyy or subplots: plotyy(x,y,x,z) % plot angle against radius on the left hand y axis, and p...

10 years ago | 0

Matlab just says there is an error, but I don't see one. How do I know more about the error.
Try calling, on the command line dbstop if error The program will stop and let you see what's going on at the point it t...

10 years ago | 0

Can you help me solving that?
C = A * B'; % will give you a 1x1. C = (A' * B)'; will give you a 10x6. C = A'*B; will give you a 6 x 10.

10 years ago | 0

how to loop it
Change: x_new = x(i) * cosd(y(i)) y_new = y(i) * sind(y(i)) to x(i+1) = x(i) * cosd(y(i)) y(i+1) = y(i) * sind(...

10 years ago | 0

How remove plateaus on plot?
I can't download your example, but the answer shouldn't be too difficult: data %- This is your vector of values. initial = ...

10 years ago | 1

how can I change the line properties of a figure?
Theres no one obvious, quick fix. get the properties of the figure: fig_props = get(fig_no); fig_props will contain th...

10 years ago | 0

what is assignment error in the following code?
Changing outage(j) to outage(j,:) or outage(:,j) will corect the error. The problem is that you're adding a scalar to a vecto...

10 years ago | 1

How can I import a structured binary file into matlab
Not sure about quick n easy ways of doing it, but: fid = fopen(filename,'r'); elements = fread(fid,1,'*uint32'); for i ...

10 years ago | 0

Calling Simulink model in a function
Simulink uses the base workspace. You can assign the variable in the base workspace using assignin or evalin. Alternatively,...

10 years ago | 1

How do I switch x and y axes?
I'm not sure what your exact issue is. The right combination of functions "view", flipud, fliplr, and transpose: data' shoul...

10 years ago | 1

How Do I Use Fft Function In Matlab To Find The Frequency For A Set Of Data Points?
If what you have is the times of occurrences, then a fft is inappropriate. - FFTs require regularly sampled data. I don't kn...

10 years ago | 0

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Where can I find documentation for the feature function?
The function "feature" can be used to probe how much spare memory there is in a PC. I want to use this function to probe how...

10 years ago | 1 answer | 0



Starting up sotware written in Basic language from MathLab
You can use matlab to start any executable by using the system function of the "bang" "!". eg.: !dir eg.: system('C:\myexe...

10 years ago | 0

Distinct NaN from other values in image
This can let you plot NaN & any other logically findable section of the image as white a = rand(5); a(3,3) = NaN; b = i...

10 years ago | 8

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Replace certain elements of vector with the values from another vector
A(C) = B

10 years ago | 6

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Will upgrading Matlab or Excel fix this problem?
'isappdaclearta'? Ok. That looks like 'isappdata', but that you've tried debugging, typed clear, wondered where the mouse wa...

10 years ago | 0

How to generate .m file from GUIDE GUI?
Look for an *.asv file with the same name.

10 years ago | 0

Function that will receive two function handles as input arguments and plot? - Homework
"Undefined function or variable 'Q1'." Looks like you have referred to Q1 without meaning to. A function containing ...

10 years ago | 0

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