Column-wise AND operation in all column combinations of two matrices
This should do it: C = bsxfun(@and, a, reshape(b,[12,1,3]); theresult = C(down,column_a,column_b);

10 years ago | 0

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Finding and using sparse matrix indices
If L is the same size as M: idx = find(L); Move the idx around by adding 1 (moves it down one), or by adding the number o...

10 years ago | 1

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problem with input arguments
You need to supply those arguments to the function, by calling it like: tempo_var_with_silly_long_name = 5; %use the real va...

10 years ago | 0

How to join several matrices into one matrix?
Either of these will do what you've asked. matrix = reshape(matrix,4794,588); matrix = permute(matrix,[1 3 2]);

10 years ago | 0

Loop or no Loop?
You need to figure out the right process for splitting your dataset. Something like: dlat = abs(diff(latitude)); da...

10 years ago | 0

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ok button gives error:Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals. Error using waitfor Error while evaluating uicontrol Callback
That error is because, somewhere in your code you've got something like number = -1; array(0) or array(1.4) or array(23,0)...

10 years ago | 0

How to a creat a sweeping radius, like that of a radar.
This is NOT the full answer, but it should get you started. a = plot([0 xmax],[0 0],'r-'); hold on b = plot(x,y,'bx'); ...

10 years ago | 0

Rotate surface X Y Z around Y axis
The obvious issue is that you're updating X, then using the updated X to calculate a new Z. Store the old X, or the new one, ...

10 years ago | 0

Numeric column, text column, uitable using guide
This is how I'd do it: Table_o_values = [1 561 1; 2 156 2; 4 951 3]; In the 3rd c...

10 years ago | 0

save data from function to ws
You have three options. 1. Use evalin or assignin correctly to put the variable into the base workspace. 2. Change your ...

10 years ago | 0

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Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals. Error!
(row-widthless):(row+widthmore) Thats probably giving you a negative (or zero) number which you're trying to use as an index...

10 years ago | 0

What are the commands for a function that allows the user to input arguments and store them in the variables x and y?
Can you be more specific? How do you want the user to input arguments? The functions, "input", "inputdlg", "uigetfile", al...

10 years ago | 0

How to train a Neural Network with an input data set that comprises of numeric values as well as nominal variables (such as the base fluid used which could be either 'Water', 'Oil' or 'Slickwater')?
You could make your non-numeric values into numeric ones by using enumerations. E.g. Oil = 1; Water = 2; Slickwater...

10 years ago | 0

making an array 'skip' some numbers
left_x = -4:-2; right_x = 2:4; x = [left_x right_x]; You could do also something like: x = [-180:10:-110 -105:5:-...

10 years ago | 2

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i plotted a graph its X-axis ranging from 0-1800 with a spacing of 200. how can i change the interval to 50 with same range(0-1800)
Starting after you've plotted it: set(gca,'XTick',[0:50:1800])

10 years ago | 0

writing out data within a for loop
MMCmatrix{m} = [max mean count]; should be: MMCmatrix(m,:) = [max mean count]; or MMCmatrix(:,m) = [max mean...

10 years ago | 0

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Why imerode( ) is not giving intended results ?
Its cause your filter isn't 3x3.

10 years ago | 0

AMD @ 4x4.1Ghz slower than Intel @ 2x1.7Ghz
Does the old laptop have: A bigger cache? - Allowing faster memory access to a small area of memory? A better cache least ...

10 years ago | 0

how run two codes at the same time from GUI?
The best you can probably sensibly do is just use parallel computing. Something like parfor i = 1:2 if i == 1 res...

10 years ago | 0

Macros in Matlab - repeating simple instructions
Step 1: Write a "function" that takes as input, an argument for filename in, and filename out, opens & reads your input file, do...

10 years ago | 1

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Which is the machine precision of Matlab?
Matlab stores and operates on doubles. Doubles have 15-ish significant figures of precision. If you keep your numbers all ro...

10 years ago | 0

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3D matrix - 2 D plot, how to make a plot ?
Have you tried: plot(relor(:,:,1)') %? If you do it explicitly, you'll get exactly what you want: plot(relor(:,1,1),'...

10 years ago | 0

Can I run 2 versions of a function in 2 different Matlab sessions?
You most certainly can run Version 1 of function "blah" in one instance of matlab, update blah to version 2, open up a second in...

10 years ago | 1

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trying to minimize the memory of a matrix with sparse
Sparse only saves memory if your array is _dominated_ by 0. That is exactly zero, and not small numbers. The memory used by ...

10 years ago | 0

Clean it up from successive calculation
Data formats tell you what the data represents. Doubles are actually the best, commonly used, method to store signed numbers wit...

10 years ago | 0

Is Simulink suited to simulate trains on a rail system?
Simulink can simulate discrete systems operating in a continuous world. It can replicate the functions of hardware. What asp...

10 years ago | 0

Save FOR loop data into a vector
You need your for loop to index into X, rather than use X as the index. for j = 1:numel(X) i = X(j); your code as norm...

10 years ago | 0

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(MATLAB beginner) How can I solve this error: In an assignment A(:) = B, the number of elements in A and B must be the same.
Ick. Data is a cell array that contains a cell array that contain arrays. Data{1,1}{index3+1}(52:58) is 7 characters long. ...

10 years ago | 1

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Being more concise with an IF statement
I'm assuming that CN only has one column. number = CN(count6); temp(1,:) = bond_atom; temp(all(temp==0,2),:) = []; CNo...

10 years ago | 0

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What happens when numbers get very small?
Matlab simply uses standard double format numbers. This gives you about 15 significant figures of precision from 10^-300 to ...

10 years ago | 0

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