index error for find function
Ok, it looks like you've got a vector "Signal_fft_hilbert", which I'm going to call "v". If want v(14.6484). The only way yo...

10 years ago | 0

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How to plot a line parallel to a line with a distance of d between them ?
For where you want to plot it: x = 0:1:42; m = 4; c = -12; Line 1 = y1 = m*x + c Line 2 (above by d) ...

10 years ago | 0

Error using save can't write file
Some versions of the save function really don't react well to structures.

10 years ago | 0

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How to create File Browser in GUI?
uigetfile/uiputfile Those functions bring up the standard file browse window....

10 years ago | 2

Playing sound: Switching seamlessly between two or more sounds
I don't know about seamlessly from a GUI. You can play any duration of sound using "sound". I would be tempted to split the ...

10 years ago | 0

How can I write a function that takes as input a vector of 8 bit signed integer in twos-complement and represen the negation of the input
bin2dec, can turn a binary string into a decimal number. I suggest you then cast it as: int8 dec2bin can then turn a deci...

10 years ago | 0

Is it possible to save . mat <4095x1384x2 double> file to txt file?
Yes. You can most certainly save something that big to text file. I wouldn't say that is sensible. There are three reasons f...

10 years ago | 0

Delete rows from matrix
To "delete" matrix = eye(5);%5x5 identity matrix list_o_cols_to_delete = [1 3 5]; matrix(:,list_o_cols_to_delete) = [] ...

10 years ago | 0

Search access database through matlab
I can't give specific help. I imagine that you can directly interface with microsoft access via activex. You will need a wor...

10 years ago | 0

matlab precision error in comparison with fortran's code
If you want to compare the values to see if they're exactly the same, you can write the values to a binary file, and then read t...

10 years ago | 0

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if (strcmp(O1,'00000') || strcmp(O1,'10000') || strcmp(O1,'11000')) I used this but still my code is not working?
if (strcmp(O1,'00000') || strcmp(O1,'10000') || strcmp(O1,'11000')) ... Thats easier if you do: if any(strcmp(O1, { '00000'...

10 years ago | 0

Help with Matalab code in detecting sign change in a Vector
minsign = sign(min(A)); maxsign = sign(max(A)); answer_vector(numel(minsign)) = false; answer_vector(minsign==-1 & maxs...

10 years ago | 0

How to increase the number of points to plot for imagesc(Z)
Ok, Have they asked you to calculate a z, for each square meter, each square decimeter, each square centimeter, of square fo...

10 years ago | 0

How do i use eval function when the sentence has apostrophe (') in it?
Heres a third answer.... apostrophe = char(39); then just use apostrophe And a fourth answer: If you actually want a...

10 years ago | 0

How to change the variable name in the loop
for to i = 1:2 The "to" should be removed. The string you're trying to evaluate is nutty. To form a string like the ...

10 years ago | 0

Need help with graphing program
You have your formulae, you just need to make them work. angular_freqs = 1000:250:10000; .* and ./ do elementwise multi...

10 years ago | 0

Operands to the || and && operators must be convertible to logical scalar values. Error in logspace (line 23) if d2 == pi || d2 == single(pi)
Assuming that logspace is something you didn't write and you can't change the if statement: for i = 1:1666 logarithmic_sp...

10 years ago | 0

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How can I pre allocate the memory for a variable? or is it possible?
lf you want is to preallocate a sparse array, all you need is: Sis = sparse(2000000, 250000); If you look at the help doc...

10 years ago | 0

is it possible to get index of reshaped matrix
The functions ind2sub and sub2ind, give you a more general way of doing it, which expands to more dimensions...

10 years ago | 1

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Is it possible to run MATLAB GUI automatically? I need to run GUI automatically ( without pushing any buttons). Anyone can help me?
Items on GUI's that run code do so via simple, straightforward, function calls called "callbacks". You may call those functions...

10 years ago | 0

Summation in a for loop without cumulitive
C(i) = sum( a([i-b]:[i+b]) ) That puts into C(i), the sum of the (i-b)th index of a, to the (i+b)th index of a. What y...

10 years ago | 0

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reshape a matrix with a divisible of 10....
To pad it with 0's: if mod(numel(A),10) A(ceil(numel(A)/10)*10) = 0; end B = reshape(A,10,[]); To pad with NaNs.....

10 years ago | 1

error message: "the rpc server is unavailable" - what causes it / how to get rid of it?
I've seen that error when the excel application matlab was interfacing with has closed but it hasn't been replicated in matlab's...

10 years ago | 0

How can i set a time for "input" waiting?
I'm not sure if there is a direct way. You can do it in a slightly different way. tic disp('Press space to enter what ...

10 years ago | 0

How do i change the axis limits of a plot without modifying the graph?..Please help
2 ways: 1. Change the scaling of the graph eg. axis([0 1 2 3]) - change the numbers as needed. 2. Change the labels on ...

10 years ago | 0

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Splitting a string of decimal point numbers
You need to apply knowledge of what you've got. You might have, if you inspect the string closely, a separating, non-printin...

10 years ago | 0

how can i store a phase and magnitude of a image in single variable using matlab?
x = fftshift(fftA) That gives you the info.... however, single_var(:,:,1) = abs(x); single_var(:,:,2) = angle(x)...

10 years ago | 0

How to truncate all the decimal places??
fix(time) rounds time towards 0, so it gets rid of the decimal places. (truncates numerically) str = num2str(time); truncated...

10 years ago | 0

how to compare 2 or more RPM value
minimum_value = min([45 234 54 3124 745 124 2356 eps(1)]); second_min_value = min(0:100); minimum_minimum = min([ minimum_v...

10 years ago | 0

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