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Bode Plot Display All Stability Margins
Adam Danz's method got me started, but didn't quite get me there, and I ended up using this one: (2019a) sys = rss(5); h = bo...
5 years ago | 0
Very slow when change current directory.
I had this problem on 2017a. It took minutes to change directories. Then I closed some of the open files in my editor and it g...
6 years ago | 1
getting actual numbers instead of symbolic results when using solve
Why do you say it doesn't work? I see your answers returned as a structure: >> vals vals = lambda: [1x1 sym] ...
10 years ago | 1
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Removing repeat displays in Matlab
function y = fcn(u) persistent previous_u if isempty(previous_u) previous_u=0; end if u >= 0.5 && previ...
10 years ago | 0
How can I modify the circuit to obtain constant power?
There is bound to be some numerical error in your simulation because you are finding a <
10 years ago | 0
Runing the simulink with different step time
Use a From Workspace block with a time series, or an array of time and signal values. There are <
10 years ago | 0
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How can I parametrize the "From Workspace" block in Simulink?
set_param([sys '/From workspace'],'VariableName','x1')
10 years ago | 0
how do i make this pv model work
Close the circuit. You say you have a source of current, so where does that current go? Perhaps a resistor as a load?
10 years ago | 0
How to use message box?
msgbox(sprintf('Failure is at %d',failure)) or maybe you would rather put it on the plot directly: annotation('textbox...
10 years ago | 0
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Issues when multipling and summing very small values in a matrix
Your code as written only sums the value of the last column of _massplume_area.*constant_. Did you mean datamatrix(:, co...
10 years ago | 1
How to Determine the current/next Simulink TimeStep when running a simulation?
Are you looking for the < Clock> block?
10 years ago | 1
How to exit background program using MATLAB?
It would probably be better to have your program terminate itself. However, if you are on Windows you can kill it using _taskki...
10 years ago | 0
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Solving system of 5 variable
< System Identification Toolbox>
10 years ago | 0
Error using quad "Error using quad (line 75) The integrand function must return an output vector of the same length as the input vector."
There are two powers in that line and you have only replaced one. @(q,n0)((eq(q)) *^* 2+2*U*n0*(eq(q))) *.^* 0.5
10 years ago | 0
Outputting numbers into a single array when using a double for loop?
10 years ago | 0
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How to increase count for different counters in if loop.
You are comparing the entire _itemtype_ array to the numbers 1 and 2. Perhaps you want to compare just one element of the array...
10 years ago | 0
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Simulink interpolation using 4 different vectors
As it says, (1) use coder.extrinsic to add support for _griddata_ (2) Specifiy the size of the output data of your block....
10 years ago | 0
Invalid dimensions between blocks in Simulink
Do you want a 1x5 array of different random numbers, or the same 5 times? Either way, if you have u=[1x5] and Bd=[5x2], then ...
10 years ago | 0
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How to create an array of numbers in simulink?
Put rand(1,10) in your constant block.
10 years ago | 0
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Derivative input 1 of 'PC_ECU_BHKW_V0_ohneNI/Motormodell_V0_1/GasolineEngine_V0_1/Lambda_Steuerung_V0_1/Lambda_Steuerung/PID Controller/Integrator' at time 0.201 is Inf or NaN. Stopping simulation. There may be a singularity in the solution. If not,
If there is not a <
10 years ago | 0
The simulink simulation slows down when I use a switch, it does not give any error but it stays at .5 second indifinitely!
You have not < chosen the correct solver> for your application....
10 years ago | 0
Power system reliability with renewable DGs
For Simulink, take a look at < SimPowerSystems>. However, I think non-Mathworks pr...
10 years ago | 0
Crash of a single case terminates the whole optimization process
You can use a < try block> around your code. ...
10 years ago | 1
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Major confusion for loops - precision not acquired
Play around with _vpa()_ and _digits()_ and make sure to read the help files on <
10 years ago | 0
Why does this matrix have zeros for all but one of the numbers?
Be careful with < scalar and vector operations>....
10 years ago | 1
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When will the Student version of Matlab 2014b or 2015a be out?
I would guess you will see 2015a in a month or so. See also <
10 years ago | 0
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please help me I want to import data to wok space and export data from work space during simulation in the same model ?
10 years ago | 0
solve equation for variable and how to get output as number not as substituted form
x1=rand(1); y1=rand(1); r = 10; v1= 2*rand(1); v2= 2*rand(1); syms t eq=(x1+t*v1)^2+(y1+t*v1)^2-r^2; ...
10 years ago | 0
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