Partially labelled semantic segmentation
Hi, Assigning zero class weight to unlabeled pixel will help in removing them from loss calculation during training however wh...

4 years ago | 0

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How to replace imageInputLayer with sequenceInputLayer in imported Tensorflow Keras network
Hi Lucas, From the error message it is evident that the inputLayer in your code must contain a valid name (any character array...

4 years ago | 0

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xlim and ylim for contourf
Hi, The axis equal command after xlim and ylim squeezes one of the axis limits to fit the figure box into minimum space. This ...

4 years ago | 1

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Detecting droplets in an image
Hi, There are two image processing methods that can be useful for doing this. You can use regionprops for finding the connecte...

4 years ago | 0

How to change imgae in imageLabelingSession.mat file
Hi, I assume after doing the labeling you have exported the labels as a groundTruth object. The groundTruth object contains th...

4 years ago | 0

understanding forecasting code in matlab
Hi, The default method used by the optimoptions mentioned in the code is linprog which is to solve linear programming problems...

4 years ago | 0

Solving Maxwell's Equations in a 1D
Hi, I am not sure about a full example on Maxwell’s equation but for the query of gradient, curl and divergence of a vector fi...

4 years ago | 0

Data fitting- Fitted coefficient 'fixed at bound'
Hi, The possible Name Value pair you may change is “DiffMinChange” which signifies the minimum change that will happen between...

4 years ago | 0

why psd result estimated by fft is related to frequency resolution?
Hi, The power spectral density estimate shown in each T=1,10,100,1000 is correct as it shows a peak around 100 Hz which exactl...

4 years ago | 0

Preprocessing EEG and EMG
Hi, These following File Exchange submissions are related to preprocessing EEG and EMG data separately. SSVEP-EEG Signal Pro...

4 years ago | 1

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Code keeps on running. Neither shows error nor gets executed.
Hi, From the code I see the differential equation after the “set1 over” comment is dependent on variables gln(t) and glc(t). S...

4 years ago | 0

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Deep Learning Toolbox MLP
Hi Shathesh, The predict function will return the scores corresponding to each class for a particular test image. So, the high...

4 years ago | 0

How do I compare two images and find the similarity percentage?
Hi Parth, For finding structural similarity index between two images you can use ssim function. If there is translation and ro...

4 years ago | 0

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Activations differ with increased number of input.
Hi, I tried to reproduce the same with Example mentioned here which uses Alexnet and MerchData. The percentage error calculate...

4 years ago | 0

Optimizing percentage split of CNN training/test data
Hi Holly, Since the percentagechange is accurately defined in the code for Bayesian optimization I don’t see any issue there. ...

4 years ago | 0

why is my final validation accuracy much lower than the validation accuracy during training?
Hi, This can happen due to presence of batchNormalizationlayer in the Layer graph. Since in batch normalization layers the mea...

4 years ago | 1

Generate factorized transfer function using expression
Hi, In zpk function you can substitute the zeros, poles and gain value and it will give the desired expression. You may find b...

4 years ago | 0

I want to find cross correlation of two different sequence without using inbuilt xcorr function. It has to be less time consuming than xcorr.
Hi, xcorr has been written very efficiently to have maximum performance in terms of time taken. If you want to look out for an...

4 years ago | 0

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Merging 10 tif files into one in order to get spectral signatures
Hi Melisa, You can read the TIFF files one by one and assign them to a matrix in the 3rd dimension. Since you want to merge th...

4 years ago | 0

how calculate cross correlation without use corr
Hi, As KSSV mentioned, Cross-correlation is one of the submissions on File Exchange which doesn’t uses xcorr for calculating c...

4 years ago | 0

Deep Learning LSTM sequenceInputLayer - Data normalization on Test Data?
Hi Barry, The normalization is applied on every batch of the data that passes through any particular data input layer whether ...

4 years ago | 2

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Adaboost Learning Rate in Matlab Documentation
Hi, The LearnRate option in AdaBoostM1 tells about the learning rate of shrinkage which is essentially the shrink in contribut...

4 years ago | 0

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Conversion from HSV to RGB
Hi, Since the V channel is changed for original image with a gaussian mask the output has been changed. This is because while ...

4 years ago | 0

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Theta computed from Gradient Descent in Linear Regression with one model produces NaN
Hi, From the gradientDescent function mentioned in the comments I can see that theta is starting from zero column vector. So, ...

4 years ago | 0

Persistent error messages upon opening new MATLAB R2020a download
Hi kellie, The above issue of unrecognized function or variable "settings" can happen if the MATLAB unables to find ‘settings....

4 years ago | 3

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How to interpolate 3-D data from a .mat file?
Hi, From the question I understand you have the V data that is stored in the struct file as this is a 3D Image so only values ...

4 years ago | 0

How to make input points into a double array?
Hi David, The inShape works only for numeric data type double-precision and I guess the cell_detected_all is not present in do...

4 years ago | 1

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Trouble importing file of image to run through function, then combining/exporting as a file
Hi Ashley, I assume by combining you means saving the images with distinct name into the same folder or different folder. You ...

4 years ago | 0

Solving a convolution equation problem
Hi Jamal, You can use conv and deconv for solving this equation. You will be getting N length vector only as an output. Below ...

4 years ago | 0

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can I see testing accuracy and loss graph in Neural network, like training graph?
Hi Krishna, I assume by graph of the testing accuracy and loss; you mean epoch wise plot of the parameters for testing data. I...

4 years ago | 0

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