How to merge and smooth multiple curves in a plot, if there are discrete points?
hello tried afew options, probably here my best result in the very limited time I have now : this is a demo on the first two...

3 months ago | 0

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Plot 3D surface within nonlinear bounds
hello this is a job for inpolygon Points located inside or on edge of polygonal region - MATLAB inpolygon - MathWorks France...

3 months ago | 1

calulate the indicated mean pressure with a p-v diagramm
hello Julian yes you can use polyarea, I believe you could also with trapz like in my example below (it uses this Fex submissi...

3 months ago | 0

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I have a function that adds a legend I want to make the legend group certain plots together yet so that instead of a legend with 14 entries there is a legend with 5 entries
this is a simple solution, where the files are processed in the order that you wished (cf list = [1 3 5 2 4 6 7 9 11 8 10 12 13 ...

3 months ago | 0

Obtain Transfer Function for Bode Plot data from PLECS Software
hello If you have the signal processing toolbox, you can use invfreqs or invfreqz to identify a transfer function here I use...

3 months ago | 0

Phase retrieval of a periodic signal, not working well
here a better solution without the need for fft you should not use the first peak in your code , as it does not correspond to ...

4 months ago | 0

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StartPoint on Curve Fitting Toolbox
hello here a very simple code with a 2 steps approach - a relatively accurate initial guess of Aand Q, then refined with fmin...

4 months ago | 1

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FFT plotting trouble: Concatenated inputs
hello when you do modal analysis / FRF measurements with a hammer , you should split the record into individual hit input and ...

4 months ago | 0

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interpolation of a sinusoidal tunnel data
hello again so I looked a bit some of your data , and my first question would be , why not first plot your (scattered) data wit...

4 months ago | 0

Frequency response of a system operating at a fixed frequency
hello we could use the general fft approach , but you could also use the stepped sine identification method. We only need to g...

4 months ago | 1

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create a 3D smoothing with csaps (or similar)
hello again ! as your post title is about smoothing, this is what I propose , based on the fex submission : smoothn - File E...

4 months ago | 0

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3D plot matrices
hello maybe this ? M100 = [19.8 29.305 38.425 48.37; 4.9 7.4 10.0 13.65]; M300 = [19.35 31.25 40.05 50.55; 7.6 12.65 16.65 ...

4 months ago | 0

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Calculating Surface Curvature from Image Data
hello I think this is because your K array contains some high amplitude spikes that avoid you see the smaller amplitude signal...

4 months ago | 1

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How to Generate Smooth Transitional Trapezoidal Signal in Simulink
hello whatever code you use to create the trapezoidal wave , you can simply then smooth it out, for example with smoothdata t...

4 months ago | 1

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Pulstran function to generate biphasic pulses
hello have to admit I almost never used pulstran yet , so I simply prefer to come back to a very simple solution with repmat i...

4 months ago | 0

How to plot isosurfaces using 3 vector columns of data?
maybe this ? pretty much what you could obtain with contour (in principe ,but I am not sure how to make contour work on your d...

4 months ago | 1

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Complex value computed by model function, fitting cannot continue. Try using or tightening upper and lower bounds on coefficients.
hello a very basic code using only fminsearch (no toolbox required ) I preferred to smooth a bit your data (otherwise it loo...

4 months ago | 0

create a 3D average curve from two 3D curves
hello Alberto and welcome back we need to sort and remove duplictes in your data before creating a common z vector, then inter...

4 months ago | 0

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Workspace sorting order of new desktop
hello maybe a stupid idea but , if that solves the problem until you find a better solution, why not ? I first thought that ...

4 months ago | 0

How do I stitch these data and get a final plot
hello maybe this ? clear all S=readmatrix ('Probe.txt'); T=S(:,[2,3]); i=0; for j=0:60:300 R=[cos(j) -s...

4 months ago | 0

How to use the attached excel file below to do a Fourier conversion and display the spectrogram?
hello you can use my "do it all" demo file below your signal has been detrended and downsampled . But I wonder what you can ...

4 months ago | 1

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Converting acceleration data to displacement data using FFT results in Zero-drift
FYI, a very simple time domain approach - assuming we don't care about the DC values , only the dynamic portion of the data is o...

4 months ago | 1

I Just Want To Read Text From URL And Save It As Txt.... But How?
hello try this textweb = webread("

4 months ago | 2

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To plot one stem with multiple values for data of different months.
hello @Amjad Iqbal I modified a bit your code added one line in the first for loop number_of_data_thismonth(k) = numel(...

4 months ago | 0

Find specific points of increase within multiple different data sets
hello try this... hope it helps - though I did not draw vertical lines but you have to start and ending points coordinates. I...

4 months ago | 0

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Need help for Influence line plotting
hello I believe there is no mistake in the code simply you have a fairly crude spatial resolution (fixed to 0.5 m in the cod...

4 months ago | 0

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is my code logically correct? will i get the same output when i do it manually?
hello I wondered if the exercise was more to prove that decimating then resampling (by the same factor) would give (almost) th...

4 months ago | 0

First Order Ogden Stress Strain Plot
hello I believe parentheses are missing for the last term % Stress calculation for compression stress_comp = (mu1/alpha1) *...

5 months ago | 0

Mean shift clustering - issue with finding the center of my clusters
Now probably my best contribution so far , and I post it here with maybe the hope that you will find it interesting enough to ac...

5 months ago | 1

how to count a sequence of data arrays with cut off?
hello why not simply this ? % example 1 cnr_all=[2.33 2.00 1.60 1.59 1.99]; cut_off=1.50; [~,N] = min(cnr_all - cut_o...

5 months ago | 1

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