How to declare input variables as a vector?
Of course it can be a vector, a matrix or a variable of some class.

3 years ago | 0

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rearrange an equation in simulink
No known blocks/methods to pull off such a thing in Simulink. Did you try symbolic math?

3 years ago | 0

pause loop with "if" statement?
You must give it a range of time period rather than a unique time point since the execution doesn't guarantee the particular lin...

3 years ago | 0

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Cannot find authentication imaqmex_mexw64.auth
A compiled version of UI with images and camera feed works mostly fine. But very occasionally, like once in a month, the program...

4 years ago | 0 answers | 0



cant open .fig anymore
Try clearing your workspace and then launching the GUI. Looks like you have a variable with the same name as the GUI.

4 years ago | 0


Doesn't Matlab's built-in Tesseract OCR work on calculator font?
I have a simple image showing timer and ocr() is failing to recognise the text. Any idea why? Thanks.

4 years ago | 0 answers | 0



Is MATLAB supported on Apple Silicon Macs?
UPDATE 1: Text comparison tool in R2019b not working on M1 mac. Got the following error popup.

4 years ago | 1

Is MATLAB supported on Apple Silicon Macs?
I cannot believe the results (below) I'm seeing on my MBP-M1 with R2019b. R2018a showed slower benchmarks as expected for Matlab...

4 years ago | 0

Macbook air M1 - will 2018 or 2019 matlab releases work?
2016b and 2018a work on M1. Terribly slow graphics and the applications consume a lot of energy even sitting idle (as reported b...

4 years ago | 1

Image Acquisition to disk without using memory
Set logging to None. Neither disk nor memory. Set large enough number for Number of Frames for Acquisition upon Trigger, say 100...

4 years ago | 0


Can a Matlab figure window display 4k video feed at 30FPS?
That's the question in title -for an RGB 8-bit video stream. Or do performance limilations preclude Matlab from achieving a smoo...

4 years ago | 1 answer | 0




Imaq's preview() vs CV's vision.DeployableVideoPlayer
Is there a performance difference between Image acquisition toolbox's preview function and computer vision toolbox's DeployableV...

4 years ago | 0 answers | 0



How to check if hardwear supported by Data Acquisition Toolbox?
I would presume an entry in the supported HW list would be a blanket one, unless specified otherwise. E.g. as far as I can tell ...

4 years ago | 0

detect spray color from an image
You should try colour based segmentation, roicolor(), etc.

4 years ago | 0

Finding where a m file or a function is called in a folder with subfolders and many other m files?
If you mean which function is calling xyz.m, you can try adding the following line in xyz.m evalin('caller','mfilename') That ...

4 years ago | 0

VideoWriter with 4k images
I see this error when trying to log live images from a UHD camera using DiskLogger feature in image acquisition toolbox. However...

4 years ago | 0

Recognition of colored percentage of a white paper using Image Processing
You can even out the light intensity across the image using imtophat(). Then use segmentation and/or ROI based processing functi...

4 years ago | 0

How to make all negative values in a matrix 0?
%% Set all negative elements to 0 A(A<0) = 0; %% Set second column elements to 0 col = 2; a(a(:,col)<0,col) = 0;

4 years ago | 2

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Import constants to Simulink from Excel file
Setup a model callback InitFcn function in which you call a script that loads the xls file using xlsread()

4 years ago | 1

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Bench() on Macbook pro 2020 with 10th Gen Intel i5
Can anyone having a 2020 Macbook pro with Intel i5 (10th gen) post a screenshot of bench command below. >> bench(5) Please me...

4 years ago | 0 answers | 1




Genicam support package not showing up in imaqhwinfo despite successful installation
I'm running R2017a on windows 10 and have a problem peculiar to one PC. Even after installing genicam drivers in Image Acquisiti...

4 years ago | 0 answers | 0




Problem with image registration on images with simple patterns
I have trouble matching features on images with simple patterns like shown in two attached pictures. SURF, BRISK and other featu...

4 years ago | 1 answer | 0



Is the future matlab GUI: Apps, or figures, or both?
Its almost 2020 and App designer seems to be lacking many useful features of GUIDE. The latter on the other hand has terrible is...

5 years ago | 0

Is Intel's RealSense camera supported by the Image Acquisition Toolbox?
The above answer from MW staff is weird. I got Intel realsense SR300 and have 2017a IMAQ toolbox with generic OS webcam hardware...

5 years ago | 0

How to connect Intel Real Sense with Matlab??
Realsense cameras (atleast the one I got -SR300) have various channels. E.g. vir = videoinput('winvideo', 3, 'INVZ16_640x480') g...

5 years ago | 0

small values result in empty isosurface plot
I just noticed that there is a glitch in implementation, essentially inside a helper function. If the data (the last input varia...

6 years ago | 0

Why does the BEEP function produce no sound?
I just discovered that if you change the default system beep sound in OS preferences while Matlab is open, beeps in Matlab will ...

6 years ago | 0


BASLER GenTL Producer Drivers for USB3 cameras
GenTL Producer Drivers for using Basler USB3 camera with Matlab

7 years ago | 21 downloads |

0.0 / 5

Running out of memory
If xls format is not critical requirement, you may want to use fileIO operations and produce a csv (or some text delimited) form...

8 years ago | 0

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