With a data table, how to calculate the average for each day over a period of time
Since you are working with time-stamped data, you should convert the data into a timetable, as timetables provide a lot of usefu...

5 years ago | 2

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Divide the data according to DateTime column
Your will get an error with the above code, because your data contains a datetime and you are trying to compare it with a datenu...

5 years ago | 0

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Converting two matrix to a single table
You can flatten your matrices into column vectors (M1(:)) and then create a table from that. I see that you want the data in row...

5 years ago | 0

User inputs file over existing excel file
You could use a function like "uigetfile" to have the user select a file from the PC. After this you can use "readtable" to read...

6 years ago | 0

Reading CSV file using function
You can read the file line by line into a cell array and then split each line by the comma delimiter. The code would look someth...

6 years ago | 1

Creating if, else statement for Excel columns
min(FP1,[],1)>=500 In your code snippet the above line would give you a logical array indicating if a column meets your require...

6 years ago | 0

Can we compile a .m code to .dll
You can use the MATLAB Engine API to run MATLAB code from FORTRAN. Please take a look the link below for more information https...

6 years ago | 1

How can I store sensor data from serial port?
To store the data into a vector you can start with an empty vector and then keep adding values to it. data = []; while 1 ...

6 years ago | 1

How to compile&link mex extension with OpenMP on macOS? / MATLAB crash on call
There are some limitations for mex files using OpenMP. Please take a look at the MATLAB Answers post below for details https://...

6 years ago | 0

Using Arduino libraries in MATLAB
As mentioned < here>, the add on library inte...

6 years ago | 1

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Importing data from a text file into MATLAB as multiple variables of differing sizes
Yes, you are right. You can start by reading the entire data using textscan. After that, you can use something similar to the co...

6 years ago | 2

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How to access class and functions from python
Whenever you create a class in MATLAB it will be a Value class by default. However, while working with MATLAB Engine for python ...

6 years ago | 2

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matlab Compiler using mex file
If the application uses MEX, DLL or shared libraries, the dependency analyzer will not be able to detect it so you will have to ...

6 years ago | 0

ThingSpeak internal server error
I think your question was answered in the ThingSpeak Community forum, however for the reference of other users who might be faci...

6 years ago | 0

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How to have different preview windows for a single video object?
When you preview the video from a "videoinput" object, MATLAB will continuously retrieve the image data from the webcam and disp...

6 years ago | 0

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Using LOADLIBRARY to load 'visa32.dll' and 'visa.h' in 64-bit Matlab R2017b
It looks like this error could be related to one of the following two issues: 1) In 64-bit Windows, the VISA driver header f...

6 years ago | 1

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start the python engine via a script
The issue here is that when the Python script ends, Python will automatically close the newly created MATLAB Engine. Hence you w...

6 years ago | 0