Can simulink use TI C2000 LAUNCHXL-F28027F or F2808 to monitor a analog signal (200KHz)?
Hi Fuxin, * First here are steps to get started with External mode: First make sure to have the latest version of the <htt...

7 years ago | 1

c2000 embeded coder. f2978d simulink doubt
Hi Varun, The "protocol" mode is the culprit. It tries to establish communications using a proprietary protocol which is resp...

7 years ago | 0

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How to increase acquisition frequency in real time? (TI Board F28379D)
Hi Jessé, In your <

7 years ago | 1

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TMS320F28379D: Problem with external mode
Hi Jessé Augusto, You should verify that your serial over USB is configured properly and that you are using the right COM por...

7 years ago | 0

Simulink TI C2000 Boot mode
Hi, This is a late reply for a question that is still relevant today. To be able to load code automatically from MALTAB/Simu...

7 years ago | 1

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Running Simulink models on a TI C2000 MCU
Try running the following command and make sure to go through the steps of setting up the compiler path. >> targetupdater ...

7 years ago | 0

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BOOSTXL-DRV8305 + LAUNCHXL-F28027F C2000 Piccolo LaunchPad
Hi Marcus, The DRV8301 booster pack is pin compatible with the DRV8305. The c28027pmsmfoc_ert.slx model made for the DRV83...

7 years ago | 0

Unable to run external simulation TI F28069M Matlab r2017a
Hi Jorrit, F28069M is fully supported by Simulink, you just need to pick the right linker command file in the configuration p...

7 years ago | 0

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Missing DAC Hardware Ressources for TI C2000 Delfino F28377S
Support for DAC on 283x7x devices is available as part of R2016b onwards. <

8 years ago | 0

TMS320F28027: Simulink SCI transmit disable
You can use an "Enabled Subsystem" and put your SCI Transmit block inside to only send when you want. The control of the enabled...

8 years ago | 0

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Output Format of ADC Block in Embedded Coder for C2000 MCU
[0 4095] I hope it helps!

8 years ago | 0

Communication Issue with Spectrum Digital C2000 XDS510LC JTAG
Hi Puneeth, By default, our models using the F2812 controller are configured to use a Blackhawk JTAG emulator. Here is how y...

8 years ago | 0

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How can I get the code execution tome of the model in simulink? (for the code generation of the C2000 processors)
Hi JIANWEI, Here are 2 techniques that will help you profile the execution time of the generated code on the TI C2000 process...

8 years ago | 1

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C2000 Support Package - Can't get CLA code to inline parameters
Hi Chris, In the <

8 years ago | 0

Building and debugging C code generated using Embedded Cider in CCSv5.5?
Hi Mayank, In R2017a, we introduced the "Open CCS Project" link that appears at the bottom of the diagnostic viewer, after yo...

8 years ago | 0

F28335 100kHz ePWM control with ADC interrupt
Hi Eneko, You are in control of the ADC conversion time. On the configuration parameters of your model, in the ADC parameters...

8 years ago | 1

LAUNCHXL-F28379D: MATLAB Simulink external mode error
Hi mmax177, We introduced fast External Mode in R2016b which provides better serial streaming capabilities while running Exte...

8 years ago | 0

C2000 Support Package - Can't get CLA code to inline parameters
Hi Chris, Sorry that you had to go through this pain. We are working on better integration of the CLA in Simulink, unfortuna...

8 years ago | 0

C2000 Embedded coder -- Change default time-out
Hi Mike, Usually the External mode time out is more then enough and the fact that you hit it probably means that you have a c...

8 years ago | 0

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'c2000hostsci_rx.tlc' file for the MATLAB S-function 'c2000hostsci_rx' in block host SCI RCV doesn't exist
Hi Reina, You are trying to use serial HOST blocks. These are meant to work only on your host computer in simulation mode tra...

8 years ago | 0

F28335 100kHz ePWM control with ADC interrupt
Hi Eneko, 1) On the F28335, flash is much slower than RAM. You want the code running at 100kHz to execute from RAM, I explain...

8 years ago | 1

Real time debug CCSv5 and MATLAB
Hi Caleb, The parameter tuning part of External mode does exactly what you are looking for. You can even use the dashboard...

8 years ago | 0

Matlab R2013a Simulink & CCS 6.1.0 - F28069
Hi Luca, No more Target Preferences block in 13a. You will find the target settings in the configuration parameters, once you h...

9 years ago | 0

Real Time Parameter Tuning in the target F28335(Experimenter Kit) using Matlab Simulink 2013b and CCS version 5.
Hi Sam, Starting in MATLAB release R2015a, External mode is supported via a serial connection with the target. You can use the ...

9 years ago | 1

Interfacing C2000 ADC and SCI Tx
Hi Nityanand, While running out of flash, the ramfuncs section needs to be copied from Flash to RAM at startup. This is what...

10 years ago | 0

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Matlab 2011b and ccsv4
Hi Cris, Very strange... Do you confirm you are using MATLAB R2011b? The command works on my side, if I try to enter some b...

10 years ago | 0

how to interface ccsV5.3 with Matlab 2012 or Matlab2013 useing dsp tms320f28335 processor and os is windows 8.1
Hi Rajul, I would encourage you to watch the following video: < Simulink code g...

10 years ago | 0

Sine wave generation from TMSF28335 using simulink
Hi Vishnu, There is no DAC on the F28335. Outputting to a GPIO can only give you binary signals. The best way to get an ana...

10 years ago | 0

how to rectify error "The left-hand side of a . operator must be a valid scope identifier''
Hi trans, Your model doesn't look configured for the F28335 processor. Open the configuration parameters of the model, go to...

10 years ago | 1

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Error after Code Generation with Simulink for C2000 F2802x
Hi all, The "echo" that you see is present in the xmakefilesetup as an example for the execute command. It is not needed and...

10 years ago | 0

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