How can I create sinus wave by using TI C2000 launchpad and simulink?
Hello Batuhan, # Open a blank Simulink model, go the configuration parameters (Ctrl+E) > Hardware Implementation > Select the...

6 years ago | 6

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is it unable to interface c2000 piccolo F280049C launchxl with Matlab 2017a?
Dear Insta, Support for f28004x started in MATLAB release R2017b as stated in the <

6 years ago | 0

What is the idea behind data processing for SCI communication in DC/DC Buck Converter Example?
Hi Karol, Here is what is happening in the Serial Send subsystem: * The goal is to send data to the host at a fast rate an...

6 years ago | 4

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processor in the loop communication between simulink and arduino mega 2560
Dear Mohammed, Have you tried following this example: <

6 years ago | 0

Flash.out.file generated by simulink
On the snapshot below taken from MATLAB R2018a, the "Build action" can automate the load and run part, the "Boot From Flash" ena...

6 years ago | 0

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c28379Dpmsmfocdual_cpu1_ert ....I got this link from matlab example code.It is about field oriental control of pmsm motors using delfino 28379d microcontroller.When i paste this link in my command window the model does not open.
It sounds like you haven't installed the <

6 years ago | 0

GPxPUD register values in C2000 F28035 c28x_LedBlink_ert Simulink Example
Hi Alex, We don't initialize the pull-up registers and the default values after reset are not uniform across the different re...

6 years ago | 0

Where i can get USB drivers for TMS320F28379D dsp kit.?
Hi Nimisha, Drivers are provided with your CCS installation under \ccs_base\emulation\drivers. (on my machine C:\ti\ccsv7\ccs...

6 years ago | 0

Usage of C2000 TI family launch pad F28069M without Embedded coder
Hi Fernando, The <

6 years ago | 0

How to measure task execution time on F28379D target?
Bonjour Yanis, R2016b was the first release to support the F28379D device. We added quite a few features later on. I would st...

6 years ago | 0

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Did someone already use DMC PARK for Park transformation with C2000 concerto ?
Bonjour Antoine, I recommend the following example which uses most DMC blocks. <

6 years ago | 0

F28069M Simulink Failed to Open COM
Hi Euan, Your board may be using a different COM port. This page will help you figure out your COM port: <http://processors...

7 years ago | 2

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Unable to read data from the MPU6050 with TI C2000 f28379d & Simulink
Attached is a model that has been created in MATLAB R2016b for the MPU-9150 present on the BOOSTXL-SENSHUB attached to an F28027...

7 years ago | 0

Problem flashing TI LAUNCHXL-F28379D
Hi Duc Tien Nguyen, I believe your D:\ drive must be a Removable disk (like an SD Card or a USB thumb drive). These use the e...

7 years ago | 1

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Unable to read data from the MPU6050 with TI C2000 f28379d & Simulink
Hi Tommaso, The I2C blocks expect a slave I2C address in decimal format. You have to use hex2dec('68') or 104 for the slave a...

7 years ago | 0

How to open C2000 support package example ?
Hi Loc LE, The example you are pointing to is shipping in MATLAB R2018a. In R2017b you can use <

7 years ago | 0

is it possible to inline C2000 (F28379D) legacy code for CLA usage
Hi Alexander, You are close. By default GPIOs are controlled by the CPU and the CLA doesn't have access the registers. As of ...

7 years ago | 0

Generating PIL from S-Function Unresolved symbol during linking
Hi Michael, The linker doesn't know where to find the init_code() function that you are using in you S-function. You need to...

7 years ago | 0

Change Parameters on stand alone application without the need of downloading the Simulink model on the Target
Hi Kyriakos, You can run External mode from a power-cycle boot. On your Simulink model, click on the "Code" menu option, then...

7 years ago | 0

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is it possible to inline C2000 (F28379D) legacy code for CLA usage
Hi Alexander, Use an S-function with TLC code. You can inline the logic of your C function in the TLC file. In <https://www.m...

7 years ago | 0

With 28335 TI, embedded coder, for a sine signal with and without presence of ADC block frequency is changing
I agree with Venkatesh, you are most likely overrunning the base rate. Using the ADC in software mode triggers the ADC conversio...

7 years ago | 0

the third party installation package got skipped while installing Add ons.
Hi Sarvar, The recommend version (6.4.6) refers to the compiler version and not the CCS version. You can get different versi...

7 years ago | 0

How to change the direction of the PMSM(Permanent Magnetic Synchronous Motor)?
Hi Lee Kwan Hyung, Even though this is an old question, I think it is still relevant. Our FOC algorithms require a torque de...

7 years ago | 0

Embedded Coder and C2000 PIL or External
Hi Martin, External mode is what you are looking for. It is supported over serial and CAN on the C2000 processors. Here is ...

7 years ago | 1

TI 28377S & Simulink C2000 Embedded Coder: Initialize/Start-up/Shutdown Procedures
Hi Michael, These are good questions that are often coming up. The first thing to know if that all GPIOs including your eP...

7 years ago | 1

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What interrupt value does the ADC C280x/C2833x post at the EOC?
Hi Jonathan, If using module A on the ADC block, the interrupt triggered is SEQ1INT (1.1 in the PIE). If using module B on...

7 years ago | 0

Can simulink use TI C2000 LAUNCHXL-F28027F or F2808 to monitor a analog signal (200KHz)?
Hi Fuxin, Check this post: <> a...

7 years ago | 0

C2000 Code Generation slow to compile
Hi Matt, Any chance you could add your model for us to be able to reproduce the problem? You can contact tech support and se...

7 years ago | 2

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Can simulink use TI C2000 LAUNCHXL-F28027F or F2808 to monitor a analog signal (200KHz)?
Hi Fuxin, You could use the < F28377S LaunchPad> which has more memory and where you c...

7 years ago | 0

Can simulink use TI C2000 LAUNCHXL-F28027F or F2808 to monitor a analog signal (200KHz)?
Hi Fuxin, We made drastic improvements to External mode in R2016b. You will not be able to reproduce the External mode result...

7 years ago | 0

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