
Max Change in Consecutive Elements
If an array is given as input then find the index of consecutive elements that represent maximum change. Example: Input ...

6 years ago


Join Strings with Multiple Different Delimiters
The idea is to form the string S by interleaving the elements of a cell array of strings DELIMITER and another cell array of st...

6 years ago


Project Euler: Problem 10, Sum of Primes
The sum of the primes below 10 is 2 + 3 + 5 + 7 = 17. Find the sum of all the primes below the input, N. Thank you <http:/...

6 years ago


Sum the numbers on the main diagonal
Sum the numbers on the main diagonal of an n-by-n matrix. For input: A = [1 2 4 3 6 2 2 4 7]...

6 years ago


Find matching string from a list of strings
Write a function that returns a string that is a unique match (if it exists) of the string |inStr| from a list of strings |strLi...

6 years ago


most frequent character
Obtain the most frequent character. For example, s='balaram'; output='a'; If there is a tie between letters, return t...

6 years ago


select the primes of a vector
Find the prime numbers in a vector

6 years ago


Matlab Basics - Rounding II
Write a script to round a variable x to 3 decimal places: e.g. x = 2.3456 --> y = 2.346

6 years ago


Unit Matrix
Given n, you should return an n-by-n unit matrix. Example: If input is n=2 then A = [ 1 0 0 1 ] If input ...

6 years ago


Temperature conversion
Convert temperature in degrees Celsius (C) to temperature in degrees Kelvin (K). Assume your answer is rounded to the nearest Ke...

6 years ago


Matlab Basics - Rounding III
Write a script to round a large number to the nearest 10,000 e.g. x = 12,358,466,243 --> y = 12,358,470,000

6 years ago


How many digits are there?
Input(s) - any string Output(n) - number of digits within string s

6 years ago


QWERTY coordinates
Given a lowercase letter or a digit as input, return the row where that letter appears on a <

6 years ago


reverse string
input='rama' output='amar'

6 years ago


Balanced number
Given a positive integer find whether it is a balanced number. For a balanced number the sum of first half of digits is equal to...

6 years ago


Multiply by 3
Given the variable x as your input, multiply it by three and put the result in y.

6 years ago


Rotate a Matrix
Input a Matrix x, Output y is the matrix rotating x 90 degrees clockwise

6 years ago


Smallest distance between a point and a rectangle
Given two points *x* and *y* placed at opposite corners of a rectangle, find the minimal euclidean distance between another poin...

6 years ago


Cell Counting: How Many Draws?
You are given a cell array containing information about a number of soccer games. Each cell contains one of the following: * ...

6 years ago


Given an unsigned integer x, find the largest y by rearranging the bits in x
Given an unsigned integer x, find the largest y by rearranging the bits in x. Example: Input x = 10 Output y is 12 ...

6 years ago


Time Expansion
How can you slow down any discrete-time signal? Example Input original signal x. x = [1 2 3 -1 -2 -5 -4] We want t...

6 years ago


Find the nearest prime number
Happy 5th birthday, Cody! Since 5 is a prime number, let's have some fun looking for other prime numbers. Given a positive in...

6 years ago


NO _________ ALLOWED....
So you're given a sentence where if there is a particular word in the sentence then the output is 1, if it is not there then the...

6 years ago


Swap the input arguments
Write a two-input, two-output function that swaps its two input arguments. For example: [q,r] = swap(5,10) returns q = ...

6 years ago


How unique?
Sometimes, when we check unique entries of vector we would like to know how many times each value occurs. Given vector of num...

6 years ago


Replace pattern 0 1 0 and 1 0 1
Find and replace a pattern in a row of zeroes and ones. * Find 1 0 1 and replace it with 1 1 1 * Find 0 1 0 and replace it w...

6 years ago


Volume of a Parallelepiped
Calculate the volume of a Parallelepiped given the vectors for three edges that meet at one vertex. A cube is a special case ...

6 years ago


Implement simple rotation cypher
If given a letter from the set: [] and a shift, implement a shift cypher. Example: 'abc' with a shi...

6 years ago


Circumscribed circles
Given the lengths of the 3 sides of a triangle, output the radius of the circumscribed circle. Example: [3 4 5] -> 2.5

6 years ago


What is the distance from point P(x,y) to the line Ax + By + C = 0?
Given a point, P(x,y), find the distance from this point to a linear line. INPUTS: x, y, A, B, C OUTPUTS: d, the distance ...

6 years ago

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