32 bit mex file not working in a 64 bit version of matlab
This is a stab in the dark, but a Google search found < this on Git...

9 years ago | 2

Tranform Python code in Matlab
MATLAB is 1-indexed, so I think you're looking for something like: diff = X(pairs(:,1),:) - X(pairs(:,2),:);

9 years ago | 0

Read in file that has raw binary image data and an XML footer
You've got the right idea. Since you know the size of the image, open the mixed image/XML file with <

9 years ago | 0

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how to select a number randomly from a series of fixed number
>> a(randi(numel(a))) In other words, pick a random (integer) number _N_ between 1 and the number of elements in "a", then r...

9 years ago | 0

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Why can parfor only write to one dimension?
From parfor's perspective, "result" is being accessed randomly. Try this instead: parfor i=index results1{i} = an...

9 years ago | 0

How to do better commenting in Matlab script?
You'll get to the settings you need under "Home -> Preferences -> Editor/Debugger -> Display" and "Home -> Preferences -> Editor...

9 years ago | 0

Generating a mex file from .m file
It looks like your system does not have the GNU C++ standard library installed. I believe this can be the case in some down dis...

9 years ago | 0

How can I setup MATLAB to differentiate things like recent directories and command histories for two unrelated projects?
I don't think there is direct support for like this you describe. Path management can be semi-automated with scripts, but comma...

9 years ago | 0

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Bug in matlab 2013b: all windows resize (get very small) when I right click in the Editor. It returns to normal only when program is restarted.
See <

9 years ago | 0

Why Matlab window gets smaller pressing right mouse button?
See <

9 years ago | 0

what is meant by this error" Dispatch Exception"?
That error is coming from Excel. Try basic mode: xlsread('extract2006.xlsx','foidev2006','','basic') Does this fare any ...

9 years ago | 1

parallel computing speed question when the body of the parfor loop takes about 2 seconds
It really depends on what "dosomething" is doing. If it is pure computation, it should be a big win. If there is file or netwo...

9 years ago | 0

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How to selectively import a column from a text file containing lot of headers
You can import all 57 columns with the following: txt=fileread('1.TXT'); % Read 57 numeric columns of data textscan(txt,...

9 years ago | 3

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Simplify large for loop running average.
I've used the < filter> function perform moving average calculations -- seve...

9 years ago | 0

I do not know why I am getting an error, i am trying to hand in this project but i will get a zero if the code can not be read. Please help me.
You cannot put function declarations inside a MATLAB script. Cut 'n' paste each function into its own file, naming the files p2...

9 years ago | 0

How to divide a matrix into smaller matrices
Try < this Answer>. ...

9 years ago | 0

I do not understand this error message
MATLAB is trying to preform matrix multiplication when I think you want element-by-element multiplication instead. Replace * (a...

9 years ago | 0

How to read a console data
Do you mean the text created by something you run on the command line? Use the system command's second output argument: >> ...

9 years ago | 0

xlsread unable to import data or sorts the imported data. please advice.
Nitin, I was able to load this 20 times in a row without issue. But, I am on Mac, which uses quite a different code path than a...

9 years ago | 0

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Using matlab command from VS2013/C++ system() call to exeute a script - fprintf issue
You self-diagnosed well. Windows' working folder is different in the two scenarios. When you start MATLAB *not* from the Start...

9 years ago | 0

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How to change certain lines in a file?
As Per states, you can't edit an existing file unless the changes are exactly the same size (number of bytes) as the original, w...

9 years ago | 0

xlsread unable to import data or sorts the imported data. please advice.
I can answer question #2, I think. If you have two separate variables and you sort one, then, yes, the two variables will now b...

9 years ago | 0

64 bit matlab coder and Visual Studio compiler.
Visual C++ 2013 include a 64-bit compiler, it should work just fine. <

9 years ago | 0

How can I stop a user defined function from returning the output twice?
You don't have semicolons at the end of some lines (so output of those lines will be displayed). Maybe it is running once, but ...

9 years ago | 2

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C++ to matlab(m-file) without mex
You can use < fprintf> in MATLAB, which is closer in usage to C than C++: ...

9 years ago | 1

== operator says two identical arrays aren't the same
Floating point numbers are not infinitely precise, and you probably have differences too small to be noticed when displaying onl...

9 years ago | 1

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Merging multiples csv files in Matlab-R2014b
Assuming the files are all in the same folder and you have 'cd'ed to there, trying something like: files = dir('*.csv'); % ...

9 years ago | 3

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[Noob] Blank data -> NaN
I'm not familiar with portopt, so this will be general advise: You can de-NaN a vector of numbers with logical index: >> ...

9 years ago | 0

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Matlab 2014b mex switch C compiler from XCode Clang to GCC on Mac
Sorry, MEX only supports Xcode/Clang on Mac. See <>

9 years ago | 0

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How to display line number in command window when error occurs for R2014b?
Command+Enter (equivalent to the "Run Section" button) will run just a section of code, not the entire file. In this situation,...

9 years ago | 1

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