Monisha Nalluru
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Default properties don't affect graphics, that are created with an empty parent
From the documentation, it is said the object get their default properties from their ansectors. If the object has no ancestor,...
4 years ago | 0
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MATLAB R2020A Stuck On Activation Even Tough I have Access to Lisence
Hi Berk, Refer to the following, How to activate MATLAB Activation Window is constantly prompted when I try to launch MATLAB ...
4 years ago | 0
Arrow annotation rendering error
The reason why you is see a thick straight line of color #a2142f instead of arrow is use of LineWidth property used in annotatio...
4 years ago | 0
runpf error - Unrecognized function or variable 'runpf'.
From my understanding there is no built function in MATLAB called runpf. There is function called runperf which runs set of tes...
4 years ago | 0
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Tiny data tips in live scripts
From my understanding you want to increasing the FontSize in datatip. The can be done by using FontSize property of datatip. A...
4 years ago | 0
How to animate the change in a variable with respect to date and time in matlab?
From my understanding, you want to display the time value in the axes instead of decimal values. You can use datetime function ...
4 years ago | 0
How to save and view the calculated psnr, mse and snr values of multiple images using array?
From my understanding you wanted to save the result of psnr, mse, snr in excel file. If all the images filename is stored in ar...
4 years ago | 0
use char in App Designer checkBox
Use Text property of uicheckbox inorder to display the requested character. As an example app.CheckBox_2.Text = char(9723); Y...
4 years ago | 0
Script doesn't show
The issue could be with the location and operating system synchronization. In order to recover the scripts you can follow these ...
4 years ago | 0
How to add Cartesian grid in pzplot plot ?
The reason for above issue is, pzplot clear the axes properties and plot the data into axes in required format. This is the rea...
4 years ago | 0
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Wait for user input to select region of data from plot and save it to a variable
BrushData is property present on plot handle used to set and get brushed data on a plot In order to get the brushed data and sa...
4 years ago | 0
Links and Publishing in 2020b
The example present in documentation using link is working as expected. Try runing following commands in CommandPrompt restore...
4 years ago | 0
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where are the files (trading toolbox functionality moved to file exchange)
The "Functionality moving to File Exchange" mentioned in release notes are not present in File Exchange Repository. I have brou...
4 years ago | 0
Edit field text does not work after migration from Guide to App designer
There could be two reasons to edit text component not editable: Check wether the component is Editable and Enabled There is a...
4 years ago | 0
How to simply output LaTeX in MatLab app designer?
LaTex is not supported in uitable. I have brought this issue to the concerned people and it might be considered in any future re...
4 years ago | 0
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i cant seem to find the problem here, I am trying to plot a circle in the axes in GUI and the code only outputs lines.
The general representation for circle is . The above is a parabola this is reason for getting lines instead of circle. For a...
4 years ago | 0
representing data in pie chart
pie(X) draws a pie chart using the data in X If sum(X) ≤ 1, then the values in X directly specify the areas of the pie slices. ...
4 years ago | 0
Building a GUI - When I use scatter3, it won't let me 'brush/select' the right data (image provided)
From my understanding you want to get the data which is brushed in a plot when a button is pressed. Add a callback to Button an...
4 years ago | 0
App Designer - increment component
From my understanding, you want to access the uilamp present in the app using app designer. If uilamps are named as Lamp1, Lamp...
4 years ago | 0
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I am having problems with the install_addon.m
The reason for above error: Unrecognized function or variable 'install_addon' is install_addon.m is not present in the path of M...
4 years ago | 0
Plotting a function from the Communication toolbox in App designer
The ricianChan function doesnot support passing axes or uiaxes as input. As workaround you can use the data from ricianChan and...
4 years ago | 0
GUI indicator, Red light (indicator)
From my understanding you want to have indicator in your GUI. This is achieved adding uilamp to gui You can change the color ...
4 years ago | 0
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How to insert values into a listbox from selecting data from another listbox
From my understanding, you want to display the data of selected excel file in Command 1 listbox This can achieved by adding val...
4 years ago | 0
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App With Bar Graph
From my understanding, you want to add color to bars in bar plot. This can be achieved using CData in with bar plot function R...
4 years ago | 0
Matlab Apppdesigner Constellation Diagram
This is already a known issue. scatterplot does not support passing of Axes or UIAxes object as an input. Concerned people are ...
4 years ago | 0
Issue of installing the Matlab
There are few reason why download may have been disrupted: Antivirus, firewall, or security software may have disrupted the dow...
4 years ago | 0
I can't install R2020b on windows 8.1
Check if the username folder has any non-ASCII character, it might prevent running the installation. Other common reason can be ...
4 years ago | 0
plot straight lines on y axis based on parameter
From my understanding, you want to plot a strainght line f(a) when a>f(a). This can achieved by adding the if condition.Similar...
4 years ago | 0
How to show peak coordination
findpeaks() is used to find the local maxima in given data As an example x = 1:9; pp = [50 100 1800 300 2500 1500 3000 3500 5...
4 years ago | 0
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Invisible file in uigetfile
uigetfile function opens a diaglog by default checking to all MATLAB files. You can change the option to "All Files" in order...
4 years ago | 0
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