29,079 results

A class for efficient manipulation of N-fold Kronecker products in terms of their operands only.

This is a class for efficiently representing and manipulating N-fold Kronecker products of matrices (or of objects that behave like matrices) in terms of their operands only. Given matrices {A,B,C,D

Toolbox containing files and app from Numerical Computing with MATLAB

Numerical Computing with MATLAB is a textbook for an introductory course in numerical methods, MATLAB, and technical computing. It emphasizes the informed use of mathematical software. Topics include

Build, Simulate, and Run Quantum Algorithms

capabilities for this support package, please visit:https://www.mathworks.com/products/quantum-computing.htmlhttps://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/quantum-computing.htmlVersion HistoryTo use the MATLAB® Support

Part 2 Files of the Physical Modeling Online Training for Automotive Student Teams

Tutorials on Parallel and GPU Computing with MATLAB

This submission contains all code examples used in tutorial series for Parallel and GPU Computing with MATLAB available here: http://www.mathworks.com/products/parallel-computing

埃博拉酱的并行计算工具箱,提供一系列实用的并行计算辅助功能: 自动删除长时间卡死的并行池 为无法一次性全部读入内存的大文件,提供单线程读写、多线程计算的解决方案 替官方修复MATLAB在含有非ASCII字符的主机名的主机上不能启动并行池的bug 将指定的GPU分配到并行进程 ……

埃博拉酱的并行计算工具箱,提供一系列实用的并行计算辅助功能。依赖埃博拉酱的MATLAB扩展目录本包中所有函数均在ParallelComputing命名空间下,使用前需import。import ParallelComputing

The source code of the parallel computing TEDA clustering algorithm

The package contains:1. ParallelTEDAClustering.m - The source code of the parallel computing TEDA clustering algorithm;2. demo.m - The demoReference: Gu X., Angelov P.P., Gutierrez G., Iglesias J.A

TPROD -- efficiently allows any type of tensor product between 2 multi-dimensional arrays

tprodMatlab library for simple tensor operations using Einstein summation convention semanticsThis function computes a generalized multi-dimensional matrix product based upon the einstein summation

The exemplification of using parallel computing method in Particle Swarm Optimization

This submission illustrates how to use a parallel computing loop to perform an optimization of the process that has been represented in Simulink.The aim of this submission is to provide You a tool

This package provides parallel processing on multiple cores/machines.

: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=GPUZTN4K63NRYKeywords: Parallel processing, distributed computing, multiple cores.

Simplifies managing resources such as large data within PARFOR loops and SPMD blocks

Note that since MATLAB release R2015b, parallel.pool.Constant supersedesthe WorkerObjWrapper. The WorkerObjWrapper is designed for situations where a piece ofdata is needed multiple times inside the

The Rparallel3 m-file function computes the total resistance of n resistors in parallel.

This m-file function can be used in any area where the total electrical resistance of parallel resistors is required.Example usage:>> z = Rparallel3(1,1,1)z = 0.3333>> By using

A script to convert MATLAB/Octave into TikZ figures for easy and consistent inclusion into LaTeX.

This is matlab2tikz, a MATLAB(R) script for converting MATLAB figures into native TikZ/Pgfplots figures.matlab2tikz supports the conversion of most MATLAB figures, including 2D and 3D plots. For

The Rparallel31 m-file function computes the total resistance of n resistors in parallel.

This m-file function can be used in any area where the total electrical resistance of parallel resistors is required. The only real difference between this version and the old one is that the

Generates the outer and inner parallel curves in rectangular coordinates.

Simple program to generate the inner and outer parallel curves in rectangular coordinates. inner parallel is toward the center of curvature and outer parallel is away from the center of curvature

Learn Fourier analysis using live scripts and apps.

an add-on, go to the Home tab and select Add-Ons > Get Add-Ons.ProductsMATLAB®, Symbolic Math Toolbox™ScriptsIf you are viewing this in a version of MATLAB prior to R2023b, you can view the

Interactive examples using MATLAB to visualize and practice integral calculus and a calculus flashcards app.

and integration by parts. Applications include area and power. In addition to the full scripts, visualizations, and practice scripts there is a Calculus Flashcards app included as well.The instructions

Install the MinGW-w64 C/C++ compiler for Windows

with MinGW-w64 GCC can be called from MATLAB using MEX. This GCC compiler can also be helpful for other MathWorks products that require a C or C++ compiler. R2023b and later: MinGW 6.3 must be configured

Compare GPUs using standard numerical benchmarks in MATLAB.

releases.Requires MATLAB R2016b or above and a GPU with CUDA Compute Capability 3.5 or higher.

A beam propagation method solver using the CUDA capabilities in the parallel computing toolbox.

parallel computing toolbox or an NVIDIA GPU. However, a comparison with standard MATLAB is only possible with those two components.Files:The script ScrTimeBPM.mcontains an example of how one may run the

Computes the product of two Chebyshev expansions.

This script computes the product of two Chebyshev expansions of arbitrary length. The multiplication is in modal space and does not require transforming to pointspace.

Interactive courseware module that addresses common foundational-level concepts taught in signal processing courses.

Processing Toolbox™ and the Deep Learning Toolbox™.ScriptsConvolutionBasics.mlxIn this script, students will...- define and compute convolution of two 1-D signals - use FFT to compute convolution - define

MC integration of n-dimensional integral with stratified and antithetic sampling

integralN_mc integrates over N dimensional domain with possibly infinite bounds. The aim of this program is provide the user with a robust monte carlo integration routine that is able to use

Brake System developed by ASURT introduced in MATLAB & Simulink Racing Lounge

* This submission contains a model of the brake system developed by Ain Shams University Racing Team in 2014 within the events of Formula Student Silver stone race track in the UK . The model

Tutorial on Parallel and GPU Computing with MATLAB (9 of 9)

from MATLAB®, and performance considerations.Complete tutorial series is available here: http://www.mathworks.com/products/parallel-computing/tutorials.htmlNVIDIA® CUDA™ GPU with compute capability 2.0

Integration and area under the curve using Monte-carlo simulation.

The Simpson's rule uses parabolic arcs instead of the straight lines used in the trapezoidal rule

. Z = SIMPS(X,Y) computes the integral of Y with respect to X using the Simpson's rule.Z = SIMPS(X,Y,DIM) or SIMPS(Y,DIM) integrates across dimension DIMSIMPS uses the same syntax as TRAPZ.Example

Return matrix chain product P = M1*M2* ... *Mn

Because the matrix multiplication is associative; the product can be carried with different order, leading to the same result up to round-off error, MMTIMES usings "optimal" order of binary product

Computes intersection points of two curves.

This function computes the (x,y) locations where two curves intersect. The curves can be broken with NaNs or have vertical segments. It is also very fast (at least on data that represents what I

Files from the webinar: Speeding up optimization problems with parallel computing

Fiels from the webinar: Speeding up optimization problems with parallel computing Description: This download contains the MATLAB functions/scripts used in the August 10th webinar

Multiple dot, cross, and outer products, cross divisions, norms, normalizations, projections, etc.

respective help texts for further details. Operation: MATLAB implementation------------------------------------------------Repeated addition: SUMBinary addition: +Subtraction: -Dot product: DOTCrossproduct

C Code Integration in MATLAB and Simulink to Control an External Interface.

The goal of this demo is to showcase integration of C code in MATLAB and Simulink. A C# interface of a parking meter has some emulated HW registers that can be accessed through a shared memory area

Submit jobs to MATLAB Parallel Server with Slurm

running on Windows®, Linux®, or macOS operating systems to a Slurm® scheduler running on Linux.Products RequiredMATLAB and Parallel Computing Toolbox, R2017a or newer, installed on your computer.Refer to

MATLAB Client for MATLAB Production Server™ lets you access your MATLAB® Production Server-hosted functions via MATLAB Add-Ons

', "myhost.mycompany.com", 31415);And then you can call the functions in that archive from the MATLAB desktop and script and function files. For example, if your archive contains a function called mandelbrot() with three

N-Dimensional Cross Product (supports symbolic variables)

N Dimensional cross product in case anyone needed it. I added numerical and symbolic examples.

This set of 3 files is aimed at efficiently extending matrix multiplication to higher dimensional ar

This set of 3 files is aimed at efficiently extending matrix multiplication to higher dimensional arrays. It can also be used to compute the outer product of two arrays, and perform a trace over any

Create JavaScript and WebAssembly apps and libraries from MATLAB projects using MATLAB Coder.

Generate JavaScript using MATLAB Coder Add-On in combination with the Emscripten compiler converts your MATLAB functions into high-performance, client-side JavaScript/WebAssembly apps and libraries

SimBiology model used in webinar: Modeling Biology with SimBiology: An Introduction for iGEM Teams

View the recorded webinar here:http://www.mathworks.com/videos/modeling-biology-with-simbiology-an-introduction-for-igem-teams-81817.html In this webinar, we introduced iGEM teams to SimBiology, a

Visualize and manipulate parallel coordinate plots with this GUI. UNIVERSITY OF BRISTOL

Additional discrete modeling enhancements to the demo

how to build this demo discussed in the "Introduction to Simulink" webinar:Please note that the webinar does not cover the Stateflow and SimEvents portions.Key points to consider in this demo:1. Team 1

Serial to Parallel Converter & vice-versa

It contains two function -1.ser2par : Converts Serial Data to Parallel Data2.par2ser : Converts Parllel data to Serial Data

This Version of SLC developed for optimization problems with discrete decision variables

. Fundamental ideas of SLC are inspired by a professional soccer leagues and based on the competitions among teams and players. Population individuals or players are in two types: fixed players and substitutes

Computes an integral "I" via Simpson's rule in the interval [a,b] with n+1 equally spaced points

This function computes the integral "I" via Simpson's rule in the interval [a,b] with n+1 equally spaced pointsSyntax: I = simpsons(f,a,b,n)Where, f= can either be an anonymous function (e.g. f=@(x

Compute a moving correlation for two vectors x & y in analogy to the MOV* functions.

Computes the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient r over a moving window for two vectors x & y. This isbasically a wrapper to MOVSUM and the low-memory overhead computation of r. See

Interactive module that introduces fundamentals of derivatives including the product and chain rule as presented in Calculus I courses

\frac{\textrm{d}g}{\textrm{d}x}+\frac{\textrm{d}f}{\textrm{d}x}\cdot g(x)$ . - apply the product rule to calculate derivatives. - practice fluently recognizing and applying the rules for computing derivatives.Taylor PolynomialsTaylorPolynomials.mlxIn this script

Integrator for second-order ODE's with very stringent error tolerances.

RKN1210 12th/10th order Runge-Kutta-Nyström integratorRKN1210() is a 12th/10th order variable-step numerical integrator for second-order ordinary differential equations of the form y'' =

Parallel robots


by Greeshma MC

The use of parallel robots and their working and design

The matlab design for parallel robots

Returns a matrix containing the cartesian product of multiple input sets.

CARTPROD Cartesian product of multiple sets. (The cartesian product of multiple input sets is a larger set containing every ordered combination of the input set elements. See example below.)X =

This script processes DICOM images resulting in gas-ice-sediment volumetric content.

A script has been developed to process images of permafrost cores from X-ray computed tomography scans that semi-automatically results in gas, ice, sediment (and other inclusions) volumetric content

There are three methods we used here to compute the SNR of MR images: ACR, SoS, and OPT.

The three techniques are The American College of Radiology (ACR) standard methods, the parallel image reconstruction using a normal sum of squares (SoS) reconstruction, and the parallel image

GIBBON: The Geometry and Image-Based Bioengineering add-ON for MATLAB

Tutorial on Parallel and GPU Computing with MATLAB (7 of 9)

: http://www.mathworks.com/products/parallel-computing/tutorials.html

A structured MATLAB implementation of Simulated Annealing (SA) for Parallel Machine Scheduling

For more information, check the following link:http://yarpiz.com/367/ypap107-parallel-machine-scheduling

Khatri-Rao product


by Laurent S

An efficient implementation of the Khatri-Rao product.

kr.m efficiently computes the Khatri-Rao product of two matrices, or a string of Khatri-Rao products of several matrices.

These live scripts teach programming basics related to organizing code into functions, describing, debugging, and sharing code.

Add-Ons.ProductsMATLAB®ScriptsFunctions.mlxFunctionsIn this script, students will...Summary- use mathematical functions to use MATLAB as a calculator. - use the documentation to locate functions and determine how to use them. - write simple functions

Describes how to use Parallel Computing Toolbox to speed up computing with multi core computer.

fast with one for loop series to parallel

fast with one for loop series to parallel

Sum-Product Algorithm Applied to HMM

Sum-Product Algorithm Applied to HMM with Time-Series Market Data

Learn how to use the Metropolis algorithm to simulate the Ising model of a ferromagnet in MATLAB.

required products:MATLAB is the only required product to run the live script, although some of the exercises use Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox, Parallel Computing Toolbox, and Neural Network

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