HC-SR04 Ultrasonics sensor - ArduinoIO package

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Hi, I need to measure the distance using the HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor with the help of simulink (arduinoIO package or arduino target). It is really hard because in arduino IDE i can use the pulsein() function which would give me the elapsed time of the echo signal and fire pulses for the trigger pin too. So is there a way to do this in simulink?
Can I make my own simulink block for this sensor interface using S-function and place it in my ArduinoIO library?

Answers (3)

Marco Souza
Marco Souza on 25 Nov 2015
Guys, you justo gotta code on the adioes.pde I just used the function analog read, which i wouldnt use for my project, and replaced it with my hcsr04 basic code. Then, my analog read block gives me the distance measured on my ultrasonic sensor via code on the firmware. Did u get it?

Frederic on 25 Oct 2013
Hi Tharun - did you manage to do this? - I am facing the same problem... Actually, I don't even see the ping back, coudl you share your base Simulink model? Thanks!

aykut tamer
aykut tamer on 5 Jan 2016
Hello Marco, i have the same problem. Can you share with me that which part did you replace on adioes.pde ?
  1 Comment
puneet puneet
puneet puneet on 2 May 2016
Hello Tamer , I cannot locate adioes.pde. Could please help me with that?

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