How to transmit and receive a sinusoid using BPSK modulation and demodulation schemes utilizing the built in Family Radio Service (FRS) Full-Duplex Transceiver with USRP® Hardware?

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Hi, I am trying to utilize the built in code for the Family Radio Service (FRS) Full-Duplex Transceiver with USRP® Hardware environment. I want to run the tests for several modulation and demodulation schemes. I am using USRP N210 Loop back connection. I believe the transmitter end works well and I am facing problems in recovering the data from the receiver side. I am copying the code below. I will be very grateful if someone can help me with this. Thank you.
clear all
close all
%Discover Radio
connectedRadios = findsdru;
if strncmp(connectedRadios(1).Status, 'Success', 7)
radioFound = true;
platform = connectedRadios(1).Platform;
switch connectedRadios(1).Platform
case {'B200','B210'}
address = connectedRadios(1).SerialNum;
case {'N200/N210/USRP2','X300','X310'}
address = connectedRadios(1).IPAddress;
radioFound = false;
address = '';
platform = 'N200/N210/USRP2';
% Transmitter Initialization
rfTxFreq = 15e6; % RF Transmitter Center Frequency (Hz)
frsFDTxParams = configureFDTx(platform, rfTxFreq);
% Receiver Initialization
rfRxFreq = 15e6; % RF Receiver Center Frequency (Hz)
rfRxFreqCorrection = -4e3; % Frequency calibration compensation value (Hz)
rfRxFreqActual = rfRxFreq + rfRxFreqCorrection;
frsFDRxParams = configureFDRx(platform, rfRxFreqActual);
% Create a data source to transmit the contents of a sound file at a
% sampling frequency of 8 kHz.
% source = FRSGMRSDemoSource('Sound file', frsFDTxParams.SourceSampleRate);
% source.AudioFileName = 'speech_dft.avi';
source = FRSGMRSDemoSource('Pure Tone', frsFDTxParams.SourceSampleRate);
% PP=source();
% source.AudioFileName = 'speech_dft.avi';
% The Continuous Tone-Coded Squelch System (CTCSS) filters out
% undesired communication or interference from these other users by
% generating a tone between 67 Hz and 250 Hz and transmitting it along with
% the source signal.
ctcss = dsp.SineWave(frsFDTxParams.CTCSSAmplitude, ...
frsFDTxParams.CTCSSToneFrequencies(frsFDTxParams.CTCSSCode), ...
'SampleRate', frsFDTxParams.SourceSampleRate, ...
'SamplesPerFrame', frsFDTxParams.SourceFrameLength, ...
'OutputDataType', 'single');
% The interpolator and BPSK modulator convert the sampling rate of the sum of
% the modulating signal and the CTCSS tone to match the USRP(R) hardware
% sampling rate of 200 kHz.
interpolator = dsp.FIRInterpolator(frsFDTxParams.InterpolationFactor, ...
BPSKMod = comm.BPSKModulator;
BPSKMod.PhaseOffset = pi/4;
% Set up transmitter radio object to use the found radio
switch platform
case {'B200','B210'}
radioTx = comm.SDRuTransmitter('Platform', platform, ...
'SerialNum', address, ...
'MasterClockRate', frsFDTxParams.RadioMasterClockRate, ...
'CenterFrequency', frsFDTxParams.CenterFrequency,...
'Gain', frsFDTxParams.RadioGain, ...
'InterpolationFactor', frsFDTxParams.RadioInterpolationFactor)
case {'X300','X310'}
radioTx = comm.SDRuTransmitter('Platform', platform, ...
'IPAddress', address, ...
'MasterClockRate', frsFDTxParams.RadioMasterClockRate, ...
'CenterFrequency', frsFDTxParams.CenterFrequency,...
'Gain', frsFDTxParams.RadioGain, ...
'InterpolationFactor', frsFDTxParams.RadioInterpolationFactor)
case {'N200/N210/USRP2'}
radioTx = comm.SDRuTransmitter('Platform', platform, ...
'IPAddress', address, ...
'CenterFrequency', frsFDTxParams.CenterFrequency,...
'Gain', frsFDTxParams.RadioGain, ...
'InterpolationFactor', frsFDTxParams.RadioInterpolationFactor)
% Set up transmitter radio object to use the found radio
switch platform
case {'B200','B210'}
radioRx = comm.SDRuReceiver('Platform', platform, ...
'SerialNum', address, ...
'MasterClockRate', frsFDRxParams.RadioMasterClockRate, ...
'CenterFrequency', frsFDRxParams.CenterFrequency,...
'Gain', frsFDRxParams.RadioGain, ...
'DecimationFactor', frsFDRxParams.RadioDecimationFactor, ...
'SamplesPerFrame', frsFDRxParams.RadioFrameLength, ...
'OutputDataType', 'single')
case {'X300','X310'}
radioRx = comm.SDRuReceiver('Platform', platform, ...
'IPAddress', address, ...
'MasterClockRate', frsFDRxParams.RadioMasterClockRate, ...
'CenterFrequency', frsFDRxParams.CenterFrequency,...
'Gain', frsFDRxParams.RadioGain, ...
'DecimationFactor', frsFDRxParams.RadioDecimationFactor, ...
'SamplesPerFrame', frsFDRxParams.RadioFrameLength, ...
'OutputDataType', 'single')
case {'N200/N210/USRP2'}
radioRx = comm.SDRuReceiver('Platform', platform, ...
'IPAddress', address, ...
'CenterFrequency', frsFDRxParams.CenterFrequency,...
'Gain', frsFDRxParams.RadioGain, ...
'DecimationFactor', frsFDRxParams.RadioDecimationFactor, ...
'SamplesPerFrame', frsFDRxParams.RadioFrameLength, ...
'OutputDataType', 'single')
agc = comm.AGC;
% Low pass filter for channel separation
channelFilter = frsFDRxParams.ChannelFilter;
% BPSK demodulator
% Decimation filter to resample to 8 kHz
decimator = dsp.FIRDecimator(frsFDRxParams.DecimationFactor, ...
% The CTCSS decoder compares the estimated received code with the
% preselected code and then sends the signal to the audio device if the two
% codes match.
decoder = FRSGMRSDemoCTCSSDecoder(...
'MinimumBlockLength', frsFDRxParams.CTCSSDecodeBlockLength, ...
'SampleRate', frsFDRxParams.AudioSampleRate);
% High pass filter to filter out CTCSS tones
audioFilter = frsFDRxParams.AudioFilter;
% Audio device writer
audioPlayer = audioDeviceWriter(frsFDRxParams.AudioSampleRate);
% Perform stream processing if a radio is found.
if radioFound
% Loop until the example reaches the target stop time.
timeCounter = 0;
while timeCounter < frsFDTxParams.StopTime
% Transmitter stream processing
% -----------------------------------------------------------------
dataTx = step(source); % Generate audio waveform
dataWTone = dataTx + step(ctcss); % Add CTCSS tones
% Interpolation BPSK modulation
outResamp = step(interpolator, dataWTone); % Resample to 200 kHz
for i=1:length(outResamp)
if outResamp(i)>0
else NN(i)=0;
outMod = step(BPSKMod, NN);
% plot(outMod)
step(radioTx, outMod); % Transmit to USRP(R) radio
% Receiver stream processing
% -----------------------------------------------------------------
[dataRx, lenRx] = step(radioRx);
if lenRx > 0
outAGC = step(agc, dataRx); % AGC
outChanFilt = step(channelFilter, outAGC); % Adjacent channel filtering
rxAmp = mean(abs(outChanFilt));
if rxAmp > frsFDRxParams.DetectionThreshold
outThreshold = outChanFilt;
outThreshold = complex(single(zeros(frsFDRxParams.RadioFrameLength, 1)));
BPSKDemod.PhaseOffset = pi/4;
% BPSK demodulation and decimation
outBPSKDemod = step(BPSKDemod, outThreshold); % BPSK demodulate
outDecim = step(decimator, outBPSKDemod); % Resample to 8 kHz
% CTCSS decode and conditionally send to audio output
rcvdCode = step(decoder, outDecim);
if (rcvdCode == frsFDRxParams.CTCSSCode) || (frsFDRxParams.CTCSSCode == 0)
rcvdSig = outDecim;
rcvdSig = single(zeros(frsFDRxParams.AudioFrameLength, 1));
audioSig = step(audioFilter, rcvdSig); % Filter out CTCSS tones
step(audioPlayer, audioSig); % Audio output
timeCounter = timeCounter + frsFDRxParams.RadioFrameTime;
% Release all SDRu and audio resources, FM Modulator and Demodulator

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