Rotating points around a center point

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Olivia Foley
Olivia Foley on 22 Mar 2017
Edited: Matt J on 22 Mar 2017
Hello. I am currently writing a plugin for a custom program written by my professor. I have an image of a participant and I have a plugin already that allows me to pin point two points on their face. I can rotate the image and I want the points to rotate with the image. This is what I have:
function varargout = rotateClockwise(plusMinus);
% By Olivia Foley
% February 28, 2017
WASLx = gcbf;
UserData = WASLx.UserData;
frame = str2num(UserData.plugin.OFP.videoFrameNumber.String);
UserData.plugin.OFP.rotationAngle(frame) = UserData.plugin.OFP.rotationAngle(frame) + str2num(UserData.plugin.OFP.VideoRotateValue.String);
UserData.plugin.OFP.videoImage.CData = imrotate(UserData.plugin.OFP.videoFrames{frame},UserData.plugin.OFP.rotationAngle(frame));
% Moving the dots
t = [UserData.plugin.OFP.transducerDot{frame}.XData, UserData.plugin.OFP.transducerDot{frame}.YData];
n = [UserData.plugin.OFP.noseDot{frame}.XData, UserData.plugin.OFP.noseDot{frame}.YData];
alpha = UserData.plugin.OFP.rotationAngle(frame);
Rx = [cosd(alpha) -sind(alpha);sind(alpha) cosd(alpha)];
centerX = (size(UserData.plugin.OFP.videoImage.CData,2))/2;
centerY = (size(UserData.plugin.OFP.videoImage.CData,1))/2;
% plot(centerX,centerY,'k+');
Ry1 = [t(1)+centerX, t(2)+centerY];
Ry2 = [n(1)+centerX, n(2)+centerY];
% plot(t(1)+centerX, t(2)+centerY,'b*');
% plot(n(1)+centerX, n(2)+centerY,'g*');
Rxy1 = Ry1*Rx;
Rxy2 = Ry2*Rx;
% plot([Rxy1],'bo');
% plot([Rxy2],'go');
UserData.plugin.OFP.transducerDot{frame}.XData = Rxy1(1)-centerX;
UserData.plugin.OFP.transducerDot{frame}.YData = Rxy1(2)-centerY;
UserData.plugin.OFP.noseDot{frame}.XData = Rxy2(1)-centerX;
UserData.plugin.OFP.noseDot{frame}.YData = Rxy2(2)-centerY;
% Rotate and translate the data
%UserData.plugin.OFP.rotationAngle(frame) = (UserData.plugin.OFP.rotationAngle(frame)-repmat(mean(UserData.plugin.OFP.rotationAngle(frame)),size(UserData.plugin.OFP.rotationAngle(frame),1),1))*Rxy + ...
% repmat(mean(UserData.plugin.OFP.rotationAngle(frame)),size(UserData.plugin.OFP.rotationAngle(frame),1),1) + ...
% ones(size(UserData.plugin.OFP.rotationAngle(frame))); %* ...
% diag([leftRight, ...
% upDown, ...
% frontBack]);
% t_center = t(1);
% n_center = n(1);
% Rz = repmat([t_center; n_center], 1, length(t));
% s = Ry - Rz;
% so = Rx*s;
% vo = so + Rz;
% % Rxy = Rx*Ry;
% T_rotated = vo(1,:);
% N_rotated = vo(2,:);
% plot(T_rotated, N_rotated,'r+');
% linkdata off;
% % Rotate and translate the data
% UserData.plugin.OFP.trackingDot = (UserData.palate(n).data-repmat(mean(UserData.palate(n).data),size(UserData.palate(n).data,1),1))*Rxy + ...
% repmat(mean(UserData.palate(n).data),size(UserData.palate(n).data,1),1) + ...
% ones(size(UserData.palate(n).data)) * ...
% diag([leftRight, ...
% upDown, ...
% frontBack]);
% fcn2 = @plugins.OFP.updatePosition;
% addNewPositionCallback(UserData.plugin.OFP.setVideoRotationValue,fcn2);
% if ~strcmp(UserData.plugin.OFP.rotateClockwise.String,'Accept'),
% UserData.plugin.OFP.rotateClockwise.String = 'Accept';
% % x = mean(UserData.plugin.OFP.videoOverlay.XData);
% % y = mean(UserData.plugin.OFP.videoOverlay.YData);
% %
% % xlims = get(UserData.plugin.OFP.display,'XLim');
% % ylims = get(UserData.plugin.OFP.display,'YLim');
% % fcn = makeConstrainToRectFcn('impoint',[xlims(1)*1.001 xlims(2)*0.999],[ylims(1)*1.001 ylims(2)*0.999]);
% % UserData.plugin.OFP.impoint = impoint(UserData.plugin.OFP.display,x,y);
% % api = iptgetapi(UserData.plugin.OFP.impoint);
% % api.setDragConstraintFcn(fcn);
% % setColor(UserData.plugin.OFP.impoint,'k');
% % Start imdistline
% else,
% UserData.plugin.OFP.rotateClockwise.String = 'Clockwise';
% delete(UserData.plugin.OFP.impoint);
% % Get rid of imdistline
% end;
WASLx.UserData = [];
WASLx.UserData = UserData;
I'm not getting any errors, but the dots are not in the right place. I cannot figure out how to get the dots to rotate correctly--they are too low.

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