lsqcurvefit error Too many input arguments.

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I'm trying to use lsqcurvefit to find the best parameters b and k that minimize the error between the experimental and numerical solution, when I run this function I get the error.
Error using ex1>@(bk)T0/J2-(bk(1)/J2).*y(:,4)-((bk(2)/J2).*(y(:,2)-y(:,1))). Too many input arguments.
How can I get lsqcurvefit to run with my fun?
T = load('samples.txt');
xdata = T(:,1);
y2data = T(:,3);
findbk = @(t,y,b,k) [y(3);y(4);k/J1 * y(2) - k/J1 * y(1);T0/J2 - b*y(4)/J2 - (k/J2)*(y(2)-y(1))]; %ode i need to integrate
[t,y] = ode45(@(t,y) findbk(t,y,1,2),[0:0.01:10],[0,0,0,0]); % integrate ode y (1 and 2 are guesses of b and k)
fun = @(bk) T0/J2 - (bk(1)/J2).*y(:,4) - ((bk(2)/J2).*(y(:,2)-y(:,1))); %define function with b and k uknown
X = lsqcurvefit(fun,[0,0],xdata,y2data);
Clara Casado-Coterillo
Clara Casado-Coterillo on 23 Oct 2023
I do not understand the relation of the answer with the question.
I have the same problem with lsqcurvefit.
if I define the local function first
as local_fun = @(x,xdata)fun(x0,xdata,parm1,param2,parm3,ymaxVector);
and then introduce this into
it returns x = x0 (previously optimized using PSO or given as data);
if I introduce directly the function :
it returns:
FUN must have two input arguments.
if I introduce the function in lsqcurvefit as:
it returns:
Too many input arguments.
i do not know what to try next.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 23 Oct 2023
local_fun = @(x,xdata)fun(x0,xdata,parm1,param2,parm3,ymaxVector);
6 parameters passed. Third parameter is parm1
7 parameters passed. Third parameter is ydata, and parm1 is the 4th parameter.

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