Morphological function with flat structuring element on 3D images

7 views (last 30 days)
I am using a morphological function (imopen, imclose,....) on a 3D binary volume. I use these functions with a flat structuring element (for example, strel('disk',3)). How are the opening and closing performed on the 3D image. I understand how these functions are applied to 2D images, but since I use a flat (2D) structuring element, how is the function applied? Each slice at a time? What directions?
Thank you in advance for the help.

Answers (2)

Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski on 22 Nov 2013
X = false(11,11,11);
X(6,6,6) = true;
Xd = imdilate(X,strel('disk',3))
With three-d ones block:
Xd = imdilate(X,ones(5,5,3))

Duc Fehr
Duc Fehr on 26 Nov 2013
Thank you I'll check it out.

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