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System object: phased.HeterogeneousURA
Namespace: phased

Plot response pattern of array


hPlot = plotResponse(___)


plotResponse(H,FREQ,V) plots the array response pattern along the azimuth cut, where the elevation angle is 0. The operating frequency is specified in FREQ. The propagation speed is specified in V.

plotResponse(H,FREQ,V,Name,Value) plots the array response with additional options specified by one or more Name,Value pair arguments.

hPlot = plotResponse(___) returns handles of the lines or surface in the figure window, using any of the input arguments in the previous syntaxes.

Input Arguments


Array object


Operating frequency in Hertz specified as a scalar or 1-by-K row vector. Values must lie within the range specified by a property of H. That property is named FrequencyRange or FrequencyVector, depending on the type of element in the array. The element has no response at frequencies outside that range. If you set the 'RespCut' property of H to '3D', FREQ must be a scalar. When FREQ is a row vector, plotResponse draws multiple frequency responses on the same axes.


Propagation speed in meters per second.

Name-Value Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose Name in quotes.


Cut angle as a scalar. This argument is applicable only when RespCut is 'Az' or 'El'. If RespCut is 'Az', CutAngle must be between –90 and 90. If RespCut is 'El', CutAngle must be between –180 and 180.

Default: 0


Format of the plot, using one of 'Line', 'Polar', or 'UV'. If you set Format to 'UV', FREQ must be a scalar.

Default: 'Line'


Set this value to true to normalize the response pattern. Set this value to false to plot the response pattern without normalizing it. This parameter is not applicable when you set the Unit parameter value to 'dbi'.

Default: true


Set this value to true to overlay pattern cuts in a 2-D line plot. Set this value to false to plot pattern cuts against frequency in a 3-D waterfall plot. If this value is false, FREQ must be a vector with at least two entries.

This parameter applies only when Format is not 'Polar' and RespCut is not '3D'.

Default: true


Specify the polarization options for plotting the array response pattern. The allowable values are |'None' | 'Combined' | 'H' | 'V' | where

  • 'None' specifies plotting a nonpolarized response pattern

  • 'Combined' specifies plotting a combined polarization response pattern

  • 'H' specifies plotting the horizontal polarization response pattern

  • 'V' specifies plotting the vertical polarization response pattern

For arrays that do not support polarization, the only allowed value is 'None'. This parameter is not applicable when you set the Unit parameter value to 'dbi'.

Default: 'None'


Cut of the response. Valid values depend on Format, as follows:

  • If Format is 'Line' or 'Polar', the valid values of RespCut are 'Az', 'El', and '3D'. The default is 'Az'.

  • If Format is 'UV', the valid values of RespCut are 'U' and '3D'. The default is 'U'.

If you set RespCut to '3D', FREQ must be a scalar.


The unit of the plot. Valid values are 'db', 'mag', 'pow', or 'dbi'. This parameter determines the type of plot that is produced.

Unit valuePlot type
dbpower pattern in dB scale
magfield pattern
powpower pattern

Default: 'db'


Weight values applied to the array, specified as a length-N column vector or N-by-M matrix. The dimension N is the number of elements in the array. The interpretation of M depends upon whether the input argument FREQ is a scalar or row vector.

Weights DimensionsFREQ DimensionPurpose
N-by-1 column vectorScalar or 1-by-M row vectorApply one set of weights for the same single frequency or all M frequencies.
N-by-M matrixScalarApply all of the M different columns in Weights for the same single frequency.
1-by-M row vectorApply each of the M different columns in Weights for the corresponding frequency in FREQ.


Azimuth angles for plotting array response, specified as a row vector. The AzimuthAngles parameter sets the display range and resolution of azimuth angles for visualizing the radiation pattern. This parameter is allowed only when the RespCut parameter is set to 'Az' or '3D' and the Format parameter is set to 'Line' or 'Polar'. The values of azimuth angles should lie between –180° and 180° and must be in nondecreasing order. When you set the RespCut parameter to '3D', you can set the AzimuthAngles and ElevationAngles parameters simultaneously.

Default: [-180:180]


Elevation angles for plotting array response, specified as a row vector. The ElevationAngles parameter sets the display range and resolution of elevation angles for visualizing the radiation pattern. This parameter is allowed only when the RespCut parameter is set to 'El' or '3D' and the Format parameter is set to 'Line' or 'Polar'. The values of elevation angles should lie between –90° and 90° and must be in nondecreasing order. When yous set the RespCut parameter to '3D', you can set the ElevationAngles and AzimuthAngles parameters simultaneously.

Default: [-90:90]


U coordinate values for plotting array response, specified as a row vector. The UGrid parameter sets the display range and resolution of the U coordinates for visualizing the radiation pattern in U/V space. This parameter is allowed only when the Format parameter is set to 'UV' and the RespCut parameter is set to 'U' or '3D'. The values of UGrid should be between –1 and 1 and should be specified in nondecreasing order. You can set the UGrid and VGrid parameters simultaneously.

Default: [-1:0.01:1]


V coordinate values for plotting array response, specified as a row vector. The VGrid parameter sets the display range and resolution of the V coordinates for visualizing the radiation pattern in U/V space. This parameter is allowed only when the Format parameter is set to 'UV' and the RespCut parameter is set to '3D'. The values of VGrid should be between –1 and 1 and should be specified in nondecreasing order. You can set VGrid and UGrid parameters simultaneously.

Default: [-1:0.01:1]


expand all

Construct a 3-by-3 heterogeneous URA with a rectangular lattice, then plot the array's azimuth response at 300 MHz.

sElement1 = phased.ShortDipoleAntennaElement(...
    'FrequencyRange',[2e8 5e8],...
sElement2 = phased.ShortDipoleAntennaElement(...
    'FrequencyRange',[2e8 5e8],...
sArray = phased.HeterogeneousURA(...
    'ElementIndices',[1 1 1; 2 2 2; 1 1 1]);
fc = [3e8];
c = physconst('LightSpeed');

Plot the same result in polar form.


Finally, plot the directivity.


Construct a square 3-by-3 heterogeneous URA composed of 9 short-dipole antenna elements with different orientations. Using the AzimuthAngles parameter, plot the array's azimuth response in the -45 degrees to 45 degrees in 0.1 degree increments. The Weights parameter lets you display the array's response simultaneously for different sets of weights: in this case a uniform set of weights and a tapered set.

sElement1 = phased.ShortDipoleAntennaElement(...
    'FrequencyRange',[2e8 5e8],...
sElement2 = phased.ShortDipoleAntennaElement(...
    'FrequencyRange',[2e8 5e8],...
sArray = phased.HeterogeneousURA(...
    'ElementIndices',[1 1 1; 2 2 2; 1 1 1]);
fc = [3e8];
c = physconst('LightSpeed');
wts1 = ones(9,1)/9;
wts2 = [.7,.7,.7,.7,1,.7,.7,.7,.7]';
wts2 = wts2/sum(wts2);

See Also
