Plot mesh as interactive html

A simple script to convert a mesh consisting of faces and vertices to an interactive html document.
Updated 23 Aug 2015

x3mesh is a small and simple script for converting a Matlab mesh consisting of faces and vertices into an x3dom object in an html file.
This allows 3d objects to be displayed and interacted with on the web (rotate and zoom).

Run demo1.m and demo2.m to try it out. The script produces a .html files which can be opened in a browser.

An example of the output can be found here:

The script takes advantage of the x3dom web format. More details can be found here:

Not supported by internet explorer. Use a recent Firefox, Chrome or Safari browser.

1) Added better optional argument parser
2) Added option to set vertex color
3) Added option so set mesh to auto-rotate

Cite As

Benjamin I (2025). Plot mesh as interactive html (, GitHub. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2012b
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux
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Version Published Release Notes

Linked to github

added better demo files and surf export example

added ability to set mesh color and autorotation. Improved function parsing using inputParser.

added a second demo file

update title to make it clearer

added note about internet explorer not being supported

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